Military Exhibition of Mainland China Siege :/Realtime/China/Story20240522-3707729 "target = _blank> Taiwan Legislative Yuan continues to be chaotic such as the battlefield .In the early morning of Friday (May 24), the legislative members of the opposing camp broke out of physical conflicts at the venue, and the female legislators were twisted into a ball. Outside the venue, tens of thousands of supporters of the DPP have gathered in the evening.Due to the insufficient number of legislators, the Democratic Progressive Party initiated the Parliament Reform Act of the Police Party pushed in the opposition party, saying that it was a "black box".

All this happened within five days when the new president Lai Qingde was sworn in, which heralded the atmosphere of tightening inside and outside Taiwan for four years.

Although the exercise of the Mainland PLA was even larger than Perosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States in 2022, did not see real bombs as of yesterday afternoon, but announced the video, and the intention of tactical display was greater than the actual exercise.According to the mainland official media, this exercise was to punish Lai Qingde, unprecedented in "independence", and issued serious warns to interfere with external forces.

The so -called external forces, the mainland refers to the United States.As for the role of the U.S.'s inauguration described by Lai Qingde on May 20th, the outside world played in an inauguration speech, and the outside world was full of puzzlement and suspicion, and these two days have gradually become clearer.

In the first few months of this year, the Taiwan comment industry once optimistic that China and the United States had reached a consensus on co -control Taiwan.Their examples come from the frequent interaction of officials of Lu Meitai's three parties this year, especially in the middle of April, the Asia -Pacific Affairs of the US State Department of Asia -Pacific Affairs helping Qingda to meet the deputy director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, Qiu Kaiming, making people think that China and the United States have set up a good recruitment., Will stabilize the situation of the Taiwan Strait.

Unexpectedly, Lai Qingde 520 inauguration It is a step further than the former Tsai Ing-wen and Lee Teng-hui.On "color.People had to believe that the tone of Lai Qingde's speech was at least acquired by the United States; the mainland said angrily that Lai Qingde's speech was basically instructed by the United States, and the main military performance was also given to the United States.

The most representative discussion among them, Liu Guoshen, a senior cross -strait relationship expert from Xiamen University.In an interview with Shenzhen Satellite TV, Liu Guoshen directly approved Lai Qingde's inauguration speech "full of calculations behind Americans". The United States sent a group of officials to visit Taiwan. It turned out to be "this speech to guide Lai Qingde."Liu Guoshen also criticized that Lai Qingde was regarded as a chess piece and fighter for the United States to put pressure on the Chinese government, and Taiwan was regarded as a bargaining chip exchanged with mainland China.

Guo Zhengliang, a well -known commentator in Taiwan, infer that the United States has only recently turned. The main reason is that after the Russian President Putin visited China this month, China and Russia issued a joint statement to announce a comprehensive cooperation.Military and civilian dual -use equipment has caused the United States to be quite annoyed, and then decided to play Taiwan cards and "let go" for Lai Qingde's inauguration.In response, the mainland was deeply deceived by the United States, so the "United Sword -20124A" was sacrificed quickly and urgently, and it showed a demonstration.

Guo Zhengliang admits that this is just his intuition, and there is no evidence to verify.But in addition, each family could not mention the second reason to explain why Lai Qingde's inaugural speech was accidentally accidentally.

The signs of these days show that the United States knows and supports the content of Lai Qingde's inauguration before, otherwise the Secretary of State Brillin will not soon issue a statement congratulations.According to a reporter from Taiwan in the United States, when the requesting commented that Lai Qingde referred to, "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other," the US State Department spokesman avoided it and only said that the specific words in the inaugural speech should be asked about Taiwan's official.

After the military exercise in Taiwan was launched on Thursday, the unnamed US senior officials "strongly" called on Beijing to maintain restraint.On Friday, the United States issued a joint statement with the seven countries such as allies in the United Kingdom and Canada, calling on the annual World Health Conference that the World Health Organization will be held on the 27th of this month.

In the past few days, the two major powers of China and the United States have intensified their wrestling around Taiwan.The Ukrainian war that could not afford to lose before the election was another short -term potential theme.In the process, the situation between the United States and China and Russia's camp confrontation is even more obvious. Although it is still not called the Cold War era, it is becoming more and more similar.

Since April this year, Sino-US trade war , scientific and technological war, public opinion war, diplomatic warfare.The excess capacity of China has become a new hot word for Sino -US friction. This month, the United States announced that it sanctions 20 Chinese and Hong Kong companies suspected of assisting Russia's military industry, and imposed tariffs on imported goods from China.After working in Lai Qingde, Beijing also adopted countermeasures , and has imposed sanctions on 15 US companies and military enterprises.

From the perspective of the overall situation, there is a little performance of this round of wrestling around China and the United States, because the strategic focus of the mainland's current strategy is by no means that force solves the Taiwan issue, and the United States will not be involved in the war end for Taiwan.This means that the possibility of force conflict on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is still very low, but if the United States thinks that it can use the Taiwan Strait as a bargaining chip and the mainland has to fight back to show strong, it must push the risk of wiping guns and fire.Regional peaceful shadows.

It is said that some Democratic Progressive Partys are also ecstatic about the military performances, thinking that it will help them to be a "CCP" and "selling the Communist Party of the CCP" in the wild party and win in the struggle of the Legislative Yuan.If so, this is really just short -sighted.The Taiwan Strait becomes a platform for China and the United States. When the country is in charge of co -management, when the transaction is traded, Taiwan loses its strategic autonomy, and the damage is the well -being of the local people.