The Taiwan MAC urged land to restore Lu Sheng to Taiwan to school as soon as possible, and expressed his hope that the cooperation mechanism for the cross -strait enrollment window cooperation mechanism can communicate and coordinate the matter as soon as possible.

The Taiwan MAC issued a press release on the website on Friday (May 24), calling on mainland China to restore Lu Sheng to Taiwan to study at an early date.Assist Lu Sheng to go to Taiwan as soon as possible.

Taiwan Lai Qingde mentioned in his inauguration speech in 520 that the two sides of the strait can restart tourism and tourism first, and Lu Sheng goes to Taiwan to study.

The MAC stated that Lu Sheng was included in the national health insurance policy with the support of Lai Qingde, then Taiwan ’s vice president last year, and has been implemented as scheduled on February 1 this year.Strengthen the health care of Lu Sheng in Taishi, showing the government's care and care of Lu Sheng.Promoting young students on both sides of the strait to study, in -depth understanding, and interaction is the policy goal of the government's continuous promotion.

The MAC said that since the opening of Lu Sheng in Taiwan in 2011, it has been discussed and relaxed more than 10 friendly and convenient measures, including expanding the adoption of Chinese mainland education to 346 schools, increasing the recruitment of land recruitment,The total number of students and relaxation of the technical scholarship skills testing for the rangal application.

According to the China Evaluation Society, Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman and spokesman of the MAC, said on Thursday (23rd) that the Taiwan education department has contacted mainland China through the enrollment mechanism to see if it can be added to the horse.The monthly opening of Lu Sheng went to Taiwan, but there was no response yet.

Mainland China announced in April 2020 that a suspension of degree was suspended from Taiwan.Liang Wenjie said that the cause of non -communication groups on both sides of the strait or tourist groups is the epidemic situation of crown disease.