There are U.S. military officials that the Ministry of Defense of Mainland China conducts joint exercises Intensify the tension situation of Taiwan Straits According to the response, the joint exercise played the arrogance of "Taiwan independence", and the intervention intervention of external forces was deterred, emphasizing that Taiwan independence provoked once, and the countermeasures advanced to advance, "until the realization of the motherland is fully unified."

A spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense Wu Qian on Friday (May 24) on Friday (May 24) Carrying out joint exercises Answer the reporter to make the above response when asked.

Wu Qian said that the Eastern theater organized the troops such as the army, the navy, the air force, and the Rocket Army of the theater to conduct joint exercises around Taimao to inspect the combat ability of the troops.This operation was full of arrogance of "Taiwan independence", and the intervention intervention of external forces was completely reasonable and legitimate.

He said, "The leaders in Taiwan will seriously challenge a Chinese principle, and naked selling 'theory of the two countries', in an attempt to" use Wu Mou's independence ',' leaning on the outside world, "to push Taiwan compatriots.The danger of the fierce fighting of the soldiers.

Wu Qian also said: "Taiwan is Taiwan in China. How to solve the problem of Taiwan is more than 1.4 billion Chinese people's own affairs. The Chinese People's Liberation Army defends national sovereignty and territorial integrity with practical actions."

He said: "Taiwan independence provokes once, and our countermeasures will advance in advance until we realize the complete unification of the motherland."