Mainland China was in office in Taiwan for three days, and announced the launch of military exercises in Taiwan.The United States refers to Beijing's reckless behavior and strongly calls on the mainland to maintain restraint.

According to Agence France -Presse, after Lai Qingde's inauguration speeches on May 20th, "the theory of the two countries", mainland China announced on Thursday (May 23) to announce the two -day military exercise of Taiwan.It is even greater than that of the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi in August 2022.The mainland stated that this was "a serious warning of disciplinary punishment for independence of Taiwan independence and interference in external forces to interfere with external forces."

Senior U.S. officials said that Washington expressed concerns about the above military exercises and pay close attention to the development of military exercises."We strongly call on Beijing to restrain their acts" and warn the mainland not to take provocative or coercion measures on the grounds of Taiwan's political overdoation.

The official also said that the mainland's behavior "reckless, the risk upgrades, and also eroding the practice of decades of regional peace and stability."

In addition, when the military exercise of Taiwan was launched in the mainland, the UN Secretary -General Gutres spokesman Diyrik said on Thursday: "We are paying close attention to the development of the Taiwan Strait and calling on the relevantAll parties avoid adopting actions to upgrade the tension in the area. "