(Taipei Comprehensive News) Lai Qingde, the new president of Taiwan, proposed a cross -strait restart dialogue in his inauguration, allowing mainland Chinese degrees to go to Taiwan to study.The Taiwan MAC submitted an olive branch on Friday (May 24), calling on the mainland to restore the degree in Taiwan to go to Taiwan at an early date, and hopes that the two sides of the strait will communicate as soon as possible.

Comprehensive Freedom Times and Zhongshi News reported that the MAC issued a press release on Friday that I hope that the cooperation mechanism of cross -strait enrollment windows that have been affected by the epidemic in the past can restore mainland students as soon as possible to go to Taiwan to study assignments to communicate and coordinate.The committee will also actively cooperate with the overall enrollment planning and operation period of the Ministry of Education to assist mainland students in Taiwan as soon as possible.

The MAC said that since the opening of students in Taiwan in 2011, Taiwan has been in Taiwan to study, and continuously reviews and relaxs more than ten friendly and convenient measures, including expanding the adoption of Chinese mainland education to 346 schools, increasing the total number of mainland students to recruit mainland students.Wait, the MAC will continue to improve the friendly environment of studying and living in Taiwan with the Ministry of Education and other departments.

Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, said at the press conference on Thursday (May 23) that the Taiwanese side has expressed to the mainland through the enrollment mechanism of the Ministry of Education.Essence

Lai Qingde Monday (May 20) at the presidential inauguration ceremony Under the principles of equal and dignity, the legal government can first start with restarting bilateral tourism tourism and degree students to go to Taiwan.

Taiwan opened Lu Sheng to Taiwan in 2011. At that time, 928 mainland students went to Taiwan to seek school, which became an important page for cross -strait education exchanges.However, shortly after the outbreak of the crown disease, the Ministry of Education of Mainland China announced in April 2020 that the suspension of graduates of various academic qualifications in various places went to Taiwan to be promoted to work.Essence