The Taiwan Legislative Court Reform Act of Reform of the Court on Friday (May 24). The Kuomintang Legislative Yuan general called Fu Kunzheng on Thursday (May 23) that the DPP mobilized the underworld in the central and southern parts to hurtThe committee asked the government to set up a 52 legislators to the Blue Camp.The Minister of the Interior Liu Shifang responded that arranges would be made if necessary.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News Network, Fu Kunzheng said that in addition to the atrocities in the negotiations, he also received the report.Being a person in the opposition party is harmful.

The Kuomintang group sent a letter to the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Department of the Police Department on Thursday. Based on the security responsibilities, it is necessaryBefore the Third Reading of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act, a police officer of 52 members of the Kuomintang Group was protected by a police officer.

The Minister of the Interior Liu Shifang said in the Legislative Yuan when he was questioned on Friday that he had instructed the Police Department and the county and city police station to ask if the legislator himself needed to follow, and arranged it immediately if necessary.

According to the observation, the Legislative Yuan research building has sent police forces on Friday. Once a legislator enters and exit, the police will follow the beside the guard to ensure that the legislators and the court are safe.

In response to someone who faked the media such as on Thursday, Liu Shifang said that the security police of the Legislative Yuan will deal with it, in principle, they will respect all legislators to fully express their hearts in the Legislative Yuan.