The latest public opinion survey in Taiwan shows that on May 17th, the fierce limb conflict occurred in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan on May 17, the support for the DPP of the ruling DPP was higher than that of the Kuomintang and the people party in the wild, but the gap was limited.

The Kuomintang (Blue) and the People's Party (White) in the wild in Taiwan jointly proposed the reform bill to promote the normalization of the presidential national conditions report and the controversial "crime of contempt for parliament", etc.The right to supervise. Both parties and the opposite parties broke out on May 17, and six legislators were injured and sent to the hospital .

The polls announced by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on Friday (May 24) showed that when asked about which party was more sympathized in the conflict, 31.6%supported the DPP and 27.6%of the Kuomintang and Kuomintang and the wildThe people's party, 24%of them do not support, 10.7%have no opinion, and 5.5%do not know and refuse to answer.

The polls said that after the 517 Legislative Yuan conflict, people who sympathized with the ruling party were slightly more sympathetic than those who were in the wild party, but the gap was limited. From the overall figure, there was no winner in this conflict.

But the polls also pointedEssenceAs a result, 30 % of the social support of the ruling party came from the age of 65 and over.

In terms of educational background, the education level of colleges, universities and above supports more in the wild party, while high school and higher vocational education levels support the ruling party more.

The time of this visit is May 20th to 22nd, for a total of three days. The target is adults over 20 years old in Taiwan, with 1077 effective samples, and a sampling error of 95%.Negative 2.99 percentage points.

50 % of the people support the legislation of "contempt of Congress"

The crime of contempt for Congress is the first to be advocated by the Kuomintang in the wild.The important relationships known, the hypocritical statement shall be punished for less than one year in prison, detention or NT $ 200,000 (NT $ 8,400).

The results of this public opinion survey show that 27%of the people are very agreed with the legislation, and 30.5%are still in favor, and 12.2%and 17%of the choice are not very agreed and disapproved.

In other words, the latest public opinion shows that among Taiwanese over 20 years old, 50 % of them are generally in favor of the "contempt of Congress" legislation, and 29 % do not agree.

The Democratic Progressive Party believes that the definition of contempt for the crime of contempt is too loose, which may cause the cold effect, and question that the power of the legislature of the Legislative Yuan will violate the principle of separation of power.Some critics believe that this is the "expansion of power" in Beijing's hope that the Blue Camp will be the "expansion" of Congress to reduce the administrative efficiency of the DPP's administrative official.

During the investigation, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan has been on Tuesday (21st).Amendment such as sin .