The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense reported on Thursday (May 23) that from 7:20 in the morning, 49 Chinese military aircraft were discouraged, of which 35 were over the Taiwan Strait midline and its extension line.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense made a press release on the official website that it successively discovered 49 main and auxiliary fighter planes such as Su Kai-30, J-16 and Air Police-500 in mainland China.Line, enter the north, central and southwestern airspace of Taiwan's air defense identification zone, and cooperate with the mainland warships to perform the "Union Sword-20124A" military exercise.

The Ministry of National Defense also said that the Taiwan military should use joint love supervision and investigation methods to closely grasp it, and inspects the appropriate department of task machines, ships and shore -setting missile systems.

Three days after the new president of Taiwan Lai Qingde, after three days after his oath, the Eastern theater of the Liberation Army of Mainland China announced on Thursday to carry out large -scale arms exercises around Taiwan and Matsu, and a strong response to Lai Qingde's "two countries" in his inauguration speech.Essence

According to the Taiwan Military News Agency, the Ministry of National Defense was also announced on Thursday. In response to the main military performance, the Ministry of National Defense was established as soon as possible to receive an early warning emotional capital, that is, the establishment of the response center;Accompanied by the family tree, they have been in person to respond to the centers, and guide the duty personnel at all levels to adhere to their posts throughout the process, strengthen joint love monitoring and investigation, and make pre -emergency conditions.