Taiwan media reported that Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan will visit the United States in September this year.

According to the joint newspaper on Monday (May 20), Jiang Wanan will visit the eastern cities from September 4th to 14th. At the same time, members of the Taipei City Council will be invited to visit members of the Taipei City Council.

Jiang Wanan will visit Boston, New York, Philadelphia and other cities.According to reports, the Taipei Municipal Government is currently evaluating whether the trip visited Washington, which does not rule out the arrangement of Jiang Wanan's well -known think tank in Washington to exchange urban governance opinions.

It is reported that this is the first visit to the United States in the appointment of Mayor Jiang Wanan.Since Jiang Wanan may be the mayor of Liudu (Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Tainan), who visited the United States for the first time after Lai Qingde took office in 520, his trip to the United States will be highly interpreted.However, the planning arrangements of Beishi Government are settled in the visits and exchanges of municipal governance.

Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University, believes that the first visit to the United States during the appointment of Jiang Wan'an should be "basic homework" because the mayor of Taipei also visited the United States.He said that Jiang Wanan graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and should return to his alma mater.

Huang Jiezheng, who is also the director of the Kuomintang International Department, said that because the visit time is 520, the timing is more sensitive, and the outside world will indeed give Jiang Wanan more political interpretation in the United States.The purpose of beauty knows what to say and what should not be said.He believes that Jiang Wanan will consider the topic of the mayor's identity. "Jiang still wants to run for re -election.If you are interested, everyone will take a lot of attention to Jiang Wanan's first visit.However, he believes that Jiang Wanan is very calm and should grasp the scale of this visits very well, including the identity of the mayor and the topic of touching, and the staff will also help him make full preparations.