According to media reports, the Taiwan army was promoted to "key combat reserve" on the day of the presidential inauguration ceremony. The Taiwan Ministry of Defense said that the current Taiwan army has maintained normal operation and has no "promotion to key combat reserve".

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense said on Monday (May 20) that during the presidential inauguration ceremony, the Taiwan army continued to master the dynamics around the Taiwan Strait.Battle preparation "and other situations.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan continued that after investigation, the Taiwan Air Force did not "recall all pilots standby", and the combatant and related operations remained normal.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense emphasized that during the presidential inauguration ceremony, the Taiwan Army will continue to use joint love monitoring methods to master mainland military activities, and in accordance with the Taiwan Army's "emergencies during the period of combat reserve periods" and "Taiwan Taiwan""Peng defense provides the provisions of the Warring States Army's combat preparations".

The Taiwan China Times reported that the Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense has recalled all pilots on Sunday (May 19) to return to the army for standby.Hanging.

The report also stated that the Ministry of National Defense also promoted the Taiwan army's combat preparation stage from general alert to "key alerts" in accordance with the "state -emerging status of emergencies during the regular combat reserve period".

According to the report of the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan, from 6 am from 6 am to 6 am on Monday, six main aircraft (Passover of the Taiwan Strait to the north, six southwest airspaces), and mainland warship sevenThe ship continued to move around the Taiwan Strait.