(Taipei/ Beijing Comprehensive News) A few days before the inauguration ceremony of Taiwan, Reuters quoted four people familiar with the matter on Tuesday (May 14) that the United States and the Taiwan Navy made inaccurate public public in April. "The joint military exercise that does not exist in the formal name.

Reuters reports that in recent years, as mainland China has sent military aircraft to enter the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone almost every day, and the PLA has conducted exercises near Taiwan's island, Washington and Taipei have been expanding military cooperation.

It is reported that the US -Taiwan military exchanges, whether it is mutual visits or training, has maintained low -key and officially confirmed by officials, because mainland China opposes any military contact between the United States and Taiwan.

People familiar with the matter revealed that Taiwan and the United States conducted exercises in the Western Pacific in April this year, but did not make public.A person familiar with the matter said that "a number of military assets" participated in the exercise, but did not specify what the military assets were.

Another person familiar with the matter said that this exercise does not exist in the official mouth, but is called "UNPLANED SEA Encounters", and said that both the United States and Taiwan have a tacit understanding and unanimously expressed thatThe exercise is only the result of a chance."It's like I go to the restaurant to eat, and you happen to be present ... Then I look like I just fight with someone."

The person familiar with the matter also said that the two sides sent a total of six naval ships including frigates, supplies and support ships for several days to exercise "basic" operations such as communications and communication, supplementary fuel and supply.

Some people familiar with the matter mentioned that although the "accidental encounter" of the Taiwan -US Navy mainly involves basic exercises, emphasizing that such exercises are essential to ensure that the two armies can cooperate in the case of emergency situations.

The Taiwan Navy said in the statement of the Reuters statement that in order to respond to the accident at sea and minimize the "interference" of each other, the Taiwan Navy's Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (Code for Unplanned Encouters (referred to asCUES) Affairs.

The statement states that "(Taiwan) Navy often contacts ships in other countries and will meet exercises if necessary", but it has not been further explained.The US Department of Defense refused to comment.

According to the United Daily report, Sun Cube, a spokesman for the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, also said at a regular press conference that there are indeed many uncertain factors at sea. In order to avoid interference with each other at the time of encounterExercise and exercise.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that the mainland's position against the US -Taiwan military connection is consistent and clear.It is urged to adhere to the provisions of the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States, and stop the wrong behavior of the US and Taiwan military linked."We are also telling the DPP official,‘ with martial arts ’and‘ with martial arts ”are all dead roads, and it is destined to fail. This will not be surprised.”

On the other hand, the Taiwan Marine Patrol Department Golden Mapeng Branch issued a statement on the official website, saying that the five mainland maritime police boats entered the Taiwan waters at 3 pm on Tuesday;, Mainland Maritime Police Ship drove out of Taiwan to restrict waters at 5:99.

The Maritime Patrol Department pointed out that this is the fifth time of the mainland maritime police ship in May to enter the Golden Gate waters, and the frequency exceeds the first two months.