Lithuanian President Naishada's current name was proposed to change the name of the representative office in Lithuania during the presidential election. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that Naishada's statement may be the election election.A language.

Bloomberg previously reported that Natasa said that "Taipei" instead of "Taiwan" should be adopted in accordance with international standards to ease Lithuania's intense relationship with Beijing.

Lithuania allowed Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to set up a representative office in the capital Vilnius in November 2021 in November 2021. Beijing immediately implemented countermeasures to Lithuania, including restricting the import of Lithuania goods.

According to the United Daily report, Tanaka Monday (May 13) responded to the Kuomintang legislator Huang Ren said when he renamed the representative office of the Taiwan Pottery, saying that Taiwan would respect the politicians' speeches during the election period.Essence

Regarding whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taiwan Taiwan has a close discussion between Lithuania's official camp and mainland China, Tanaka Rong responded that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had the control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the latest statistics of the presidential election announced by the Lithuanian Central Election Committee on the 13th, the current President Natasida and the current Prime Minister Hemonit are ranked among the top two, but they are not less than half.The election will be held on the 26th of this month.