British media reported that the United States and Taiwan carried out joint naval military training in the Western Pacific low -key in April.

Reuters on Tuesday (May 14) quoted four people familiar with the matter that in the context of the increasing military threat of mainland China, the US -Taiwan Navy launched the unofficially disclosed joint military exercise in the Western Pacific last month last month.EssenceDue to the sensitive situation, people familiar with the matter require anonymous.

In recent years, the mainland has dispatched military planes to fly over the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone every day and conduct military exercises in the surrounding waters of Taiwan.Washington and Taipei therefore expanded military cooperation in response to mainland threats.Since the mainland opposes any military contact with Washington with Taipei, the US -Taiwan military moves, including mutual visits and training, are carried out in a low -key, and they often confirm related activities.

One of the people familiar with the matter said that the US -Taiwan Navy's above -mentioned joint army performed a variety of ships.Another person familiar with the matter said that the joint military exercise was carried out in the form of "Unplanned Sea Encounters", which refers to the U.S. Taiwan armed forces encountered unexpectedly at sea.Just like I just table with another person. "

The person familiar with the matter also said that the two armies of the United States and Taiwan sent a total of six ships, including frigates and supplies and support vessels.Basic tasks.

The Taiwan Navy issued a statement in response to the inquiry of Reuters that in order to settle various uncertain conditions at sea and reduce mutual interference, the Taiwan Army cooperated with the US -promoted maritime encounter.ENCOUNTERS at SEA).The Taiwan Navy often connects with other ships and performs against each other depending on the situation.