Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde sworn in next week, and the Kuomintang Think Tank National Foundation on Monday (May 13) proposed the“ Draft National Security Strategic Law ”to provide the basis for the distribution of resources and the coordination of cross -ministerial associations to cope with China to cope with ChinaThe "Python Sleeping Taiwan War Method" on the four roads on the mainland.

General Chen Yongkang, a retired navy, the Kuomintang legislator Chen Yongkang described that the mainland's difficulties in the mainland are like pythons entangled and tighter.Pressiveness; international isolation, infiltration and division; deterrence of martial arts, military exercise difficulties.

He said that, compared to Western media emphasizing the military risks of the Taiwan Strait, the four -way platform combat method adopted by the mainland, the priority of the emphasis is the "soldiers' conspiracy, followed by the war, followed, followed by the soldiers."Siege" ", first fighting wisdom and then brave, to have to fight for power.That is, wars will not be launched in the short term. First, use barrel -hoe -type descent to Taiwan to consume the morale and military combat power of Taiwan. Amphibious invasion is the last means.

Chen Yongkang is also the convener of the National Security Group of the National Political Foundation.He said that the draft draft is to allow Taiwan's national security strategic legalization to coordinate and avoid uneven resource allocation. The details of the draft are still revised. It is expected that the next session will be sent to the Legislative Yuan for review.

The draft version includes 14 articles, and the focus includes that the national security strategy shall not violate the Constitution of the Republic of China.This means that the Constitution emphasizes that the two sides of the strait belong to the same middle school, and if it is developed to Taiwan independence, it will be unconstitutional.

Another focus is that Taiwan is currently in charge of Guoan business, and the Executive Yuan is responsible for the Legislative Yuan.This draft seeks both into consideration and eclectic, and stipulates that the Executive Yuan should submit the State Ontario Report to the National Security Conference of the Presidential Palace each year. After the President is approved, the Executive Yuan will be incorporated into the next year's budget and submitted to the Legislative Yuan to vote.

Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University, was commented in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. The Guoan Strategic Law combined with administrative and legislative power to provide the basis of the law, and to use this budget to allow future governments to follow.

Huang Jiezheng, who is also director of the Kuomintang International Department, revealed that he proposed a national security strategy report 23 years ago, and the content of the report that year also became one of the basis for the draft.He emphasized that the Blue camp experts have been preparing for the National Security Strategy Law for a long time, and they will promote the bill regardless of whether they are governed or not; they will be selected before the president Lai Qingde on May 20, which can be interpreted as "guidance and reminder of goodwill".

He takes the United States, which is also the presidential system as an example. It means that the national security strategy "began in parliamentary legislation and participated in the participation of the administrative department, and must be combined with the budget, which must be the overall strategy." It is also closely related to the overall defense and military strategy.Therefore, there must be a legal basis.

Zhu Lilun, chairman of the National Political Foundation and chairman of the Kuomintang, said at the meeting that this draft specifically shows that in the current international and cross -strait relations, the Kuomintang is the most responsible, the most professional ability, and the most blueprint for blueprints.He called on the country and the field to take Guoan as the most important consideration to jointly support the implementation of the bill.

Leng Zhengdong, a professor at the political department of Taiwan University attending the meeting, mentioned that in the past three or four years, he faced pressure on the gray area of ​​the mainland in the past three or four years.Stagging and hiding.

He believes that this reflects that Taiwan's national defense policy does not have a comprehensive idea, cross -departmental integration, and social preparation.The solution is through the strategy of the whole government, including allowing the Legislative Yuan and local governments to participate in national defense preparations.

Chen Yongkang is the convener of the National Security Group of the National Political Foundation. He proposed to make Taiwan's national security strategic legalization, so as to coordinate and avoid uneven resource allocation.(Provided by the Kuomintang)