Lin Feifan, former Deputy Secretary -General of the DPP, who was the commander -in -chief of the Sun Flower Study Games, was determined to be the deputy secretary -general of the Taiwan National Security Council.In the same, about 125,307 S $ 1).

Comprehensive Dongsen News Cloud and Zhongshi News reported that Taiwan's 16th Renzheng Vice President Handling Group made the above appointment on Tuesday (May 14) to announce a new wave of personnel cases.

According to reports, Lin Feifan, the current director of the Cultural and Education Foundation of the New Realm, was the former deputy secretary -general of the Democratic Progressive Party.While serving as the Deputy Secretary -General of the DPP, Lin Feifan was responsible for international affairs, mainland policy and policy coordination, and was familiar with international political relations and Taiwan Guoan.He has visited different countries many times to communicate with governments and think tanks on the Taiwan Straits and the international situation.Athletes, such as Hong Kong actors, Southeast Asian civil society and European and American human rights organizations, maintain a high degree of exchanges and cooperation.

The Kuomintang legislators Lin Qianqi questioned that the National Security Association is related to national security. Choose an unaded warranty as the deputy secretary -general, and also receives the annual salary of taxpayers to pay 3 million yuan.How can you?Is it because it is Xiao Ying boy?Therefore, Lai Qingde was called on officials to choose sage and ability, and not to become black box politics and faction.