(Taipei Comprehensive News) Public opinion in Taiwan has recently continued whether the former president Chen Shui -bian, who has been corrupting, has continued to obtain amnesty.The Taiwan Ministry of Justice reports that the case that has not been judged is not within the scope of amnesty, and it means that if Chen Shui -bian gets amnesty, the four cases that have not been tried involved will not be amnesty, and the non -confiscation of the money will not be within the scope of amnesty.

Mirror Weekly reported on Tuesday (May 7) that Tsai Ing -wen decided to amnesty Chen Shui -bian before he stepped down on May 20.

Following the outside world, after Taiwan's exercise of amnesty, Chen Shui -bian involved in the trial of the unreviewed case will be dealt with.These cases include the occupation of the public documents of the Presidential Palace, Chen Minxun's money -laundering case, the Cathay Pacific case of the Second Gold Reform, and the Pseudo -Permitation Case of Staff.The key comment website reports that from 2013 to 2015, the Taipei District Court and the High Court ruled that the above cases were stopped.

The Judicial and Legal Committee of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan invited the Secretary -General of the Court of Justice and the relevant units of the Legal Affairs Minister to attend a special report and prepare for inquiries on Wednesday (15th). The relevant report had flowed out on Tuesday (14th).

Lianhe Daily reports that the report states that the case in the trial is not the scope of amnesty. If there is an unfered criminal income in the specific case, it will not be affected by the effect of amnesty.In other words, even if Tsai Ing -wen is currently amnesty Chen Shui -bian, the cases in trials and non -confiscation will not be within the range of amnesty.The report also said that stopping trial cases should be determined by the trial organ that the facts are destroyed, and they can "continue the trial."

Chen Shui -bian was detained in November 2008 for corruption and money laundering. In 2015, he was approved for medical treatment. Taichung Prison had agreed 38 times to extend Chen Shui -bian for medical treatment.For more than nine years, Chen Shui -bian has published a book, hosted the show, and even appeared in court to help his daughter Chen Xingyu fight a lawsuit.