(Taipei Reuters) A US ambassador appointed by former US President Trump said that if Trump enters the White House again, he believes that he will support Taiwan again.

During Trump's administration from 2017 to 2021, Taiwan received strong support from Washington in various aspects, including military sales, and this support continued to the current President Biden.

Trump talked with Taiwan Cai Yingwen shortly after he was elected president in 2016, causing Beijing's anger.

The US Ambassador of Security and Cooperation (OSCE) Ambassador Gilmo in Taipei, which Trump appointed in 2019, told reporters in Taipei that Trump is not an isolatedist, but trying to make American allies seriously treat his own defense more seriously.EssenceHe stepped down in 2021.

Gilmo, who was invited to the Taiwan Think Tank Asia -Pacific Tough Research Foundation, said that Trump's first term was a very strong stage. "I believe (he) will support Taiwan when it is in power."

Gilmo will meet with Tsai Ing -wen on this trip, but because of the time arrangement, he will not see Lai Qingde, the new president of Taiwan who takes office on May 20.

Gilmo said he would report the visit to Trump, but he didn't know what Trump would do.If there are any words in Taiwan, he will also convey.But he believes that the communication channels between Taiwan and the United States are already very powerful, and he does not need him to act as a messenger.