The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said that he had not received an invitation letter from Lai Qingde's 520 inauguration. A spokesman for the Taiwan government responded and sincerely invited Zhu Lilun and the major political party chairmen to attend the inauguration ceremony.It will be sent as soon as possible.

Comprehensive Taiwan Zhongshi News Network and ETTODAY News reported that the Kuomintang Think Tank National Foundation held a press conference on Friday (May 3), a press conference on "New Government, New Looking forward to the injury of the people will be harmed", and announced big data analysis of big data analysis.The trend of public opinion has made expectations for the new government.

Zhu Lilun's interview after the interview that 520 was expected to adjust the DPP's past injustice, eight years of unconstitutional politics, and wrong policy.To make Taiwan progress, it is not only one inaugural ceremony, but really sincerely to face problems and solve problems.

The president of Taiwan's president Lai Qingde will take office on the 20th of this month. According to the usual inauguration ceremony, the party chairman will be invited to watch the ceremony.However, when Zhu Lilun was asked by the media whether he received an invitation letter, he said twice and turned away.

In response, the Taiwanese government spokesman Lin Yanshan responded on Saturday (4th) that he sincerely invited Zhu Lilun and the chairman of the major political parties to attend the presidential vice presidential inauguration conference.Expressing invitations, the invitation letter is still in the production, and will be sent as soon as possible after completion.