Homano, a 72 -year -old writer Li Yuan, will be the Minister of Culture in Taiwan on May 20.Can this cross -domain diverse creator adhere to the autonomy of cultural people or will it eventually become another pusher of the awareness of building Taiwan independence?

Ono is described as a "simple and gentle and temperature cultural person", and the kind Grandpa, who has published more than 100 books, including children's books and picture books.He also wrote more than 20 movie scripts. He won the Golden Horse Award for Best Scripture Award for Film Knife Plague. He has participated in the screenwriter of the Kuang Ling Street Youth Murder of Taiwan Classic Movie.

Due to rich experience and extensive care, Ono is known as the "ideas of ideas" in Taiwan's cultural circles.He studied biology in universities and worked as an American university assistant; after returning to Taiwan's cross -border creation, he was the general manager of China Television Corporation and chairman of the Paper Wind Culture and Education Foundation.He actively promoted ecological and environmental protection. He launched the "Thousand Mile Trail Association" 18 years ago to protect the beauty of the scenery and nature of Taiwan and the "Presidential Culture Award-Local Hope" three years ago.

Although Ono believes that "there is no political party attribute", it has been regarded as the DPP party members for many years.Chen Shui -bian of the Democratic Progressive Party was running for the mayor of Taipei and Taiwan. Ono, Ono actively participated in cultural policy formulation and campaign activities.

In 2018, Ke Wenzhe, who had not yet founded the Taiwan party, was re -elected as the mayor of Taipei. Ono was the director of Ke Wenzhe's office at that time.He described himself with the mood of being a volunteer, and accepted Ke Wenzhe's invitation to be the chairman of the Taipei Cultural Foundation for six or seven years.

However, there have been signs that Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde, who claims to be“ pragmatic Taiwan independence workers ”, intends to strengthen the construction of Taiwan’ s national awareness.As the Minister of Culture, is it possible to engage in cultural construction without fighting and alone?

Lai Qingde attended the event on April 6 that he would condense internal and international forces, resolutely guarding Taiwan's sovereignty and democratic freedom, and continuously reflecting for review."Washing everyone's hearts", letting people understand that freedom does not fall from the sky, and must pay the price.

Some people think that this shows that Lai Qingde intends to "wash people's hearts" from education and culture, from the Minister of Education and the Minister of Culture to the Minister of Defense, and may have to participate in the promotion of ideological education projects.The leader of the opposition party is criticized. Is this going to engage in the "Taiwan version of the Cultural Revolution"?

The Cultural Revolution (1966 to 1976) launched by Mao Zedong, the highest leader of the late Communist Party of China, was later characterized by mainland China as "ten -year catastrophe".EssenceAfter nearly half a century, the mainland has now emphasized the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" and "both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation."

Taiwan, known as democratic consciousness, is unlikely to open history to reverse the history, and then go to the Taiwan version of the Cultural Revolution, brainwashing engineering or social struggle, and the public opinion of Taiwan will never accept it.

However, under the third term of the Democratic Progressive Party that entered an unprecedented period and continuously in power for 12 years, the original emphasis on local and autonomous Taiwan consciousness will undergo the cultural and educational policy of the new government, and then go to Taiwan independence to independence of Taiwan independence.Consciousness or the direction of nationalism in Taiwan?

Taiwan under the power of Lai Qingde, how to "wash everyone's hearts" in the future?While continuing the Cai Yingwen route and emphasizing the culture and education of both sides of the strait and the culture and education of Taiwan, can we also respect the historical, cultural and social contexts of the cross -strait tightness?

When talking about washing people's hearts, Lai Qingde emphasized that when the people were courageous to ensure freedom, they could get happiness.This echo the theme of the inauguration ceremony "weave Taiwan and move forward".

The question is that Taiwan's cultural engineering will move towards Taiwan's nationalism with more than 23 million people to fight against 1.4 billion Chinese nationalism?Will it bring the courage to happiness, or did the egg touch the stones?

On the next day when the appointment of personnel appointments, Ono wrote "Although there are constant warning me and the current dark side of politics", the good Taiwanese society has given him a bright hope of light, so he is holding the age of retirement.With the mood of feedback, we must repay the land that nourishes him.

The Minister of Culture, Taiwan's New President and New Science, may be able to get rid of ideological constraints with open hearts and wisdom in the future, and to pragmatically carry out the cultural engineering of "washing people's hearts"?This issue is noticeable.