For U.S. Secretary of State Brillings, the United States strongly encourages the World Health Organization (WHO) to invite Taiwan to participate in the World Health Conference as an observer.In an attempt to use external forces to engage in the "Taiwan independence" activity in the World Guard Conference, it will end in failure.

According to the news on Friday (May 3) of the "Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council", Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, said that the DPP officially insisted on "Taiwan independence" splitIn position, the "1992 Consensus" reflected in a Chinese principle has caused the political foundation of the Taiwan region to participate in the WHO of Taiwan. This situation is completely caused by the DPP official.

Chen Binhua appealed that the United States should immediately stop borrowing the World Guard Conference to speculate in Taiwan and involve Taiwan, and adhere to the three joint communiqués of China and the United States with actual actions, instead of saying one set, making a set, and constantly condoning"Taiwan independence" split activity.

Chen Binhua said: "Compatriots on both sides of the strait are a family, we always care about the health and well -being of Taiwan compatriots. On the premise of meeting the principle of China, we have made proper arrangements for participating in global health affairs in Taiwan.Participating in the Watchnown Conference, it is feasible, and it is also good.The WMC will conduct "Taiwan independence" activities."The facts of the past seven years have proven that this evil road has not been able to go at all, and this time will definitely end in failure."

The 77th World Health Conference will be from May 27th to June 1stSun is held in Geneva, Switzerland.Blingken issued a statement on Wednesday (May 1st) local time saying that inviting Taiwan to participate in the meeting as an observer is a key step towards confirming the goal of "everyone with health".He said that Taiwan has continued to be excluded from the WHO meeting, destroying the tolerance and security of global public health.

Brinken shows that the United States supports Taiwan to participate in the international forum meaningfully, which is in line with the United States' Chinese policy based on the Taiwan Relations Law, the United States and China three joint communiqués and the "six guarantees".