U.S. Congress Balt Wednesday (May 1) told reporters that he would go to Taiwan to attend the inaugural ceremony of Zheng and Vice President.

According to Voice of the United States, Andy Barr, a Republican member of the Republican Party, replied that the reporter asked if he would go to Taiwan to attend the president's inauguration: "Yes, I will."

Balt is regarded as a member of the Taiwanese and visited Taiwan in 2022.

Regarding whether Beijing will take measures after the new government in Taiwan will take the stage to raise the security tension on both sides of the strait, Balt told the United States: "We need more powerful deterrence."The reason for upgrading"

The US State Council Director East Asia and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink on Wednesday at the Asia -Pacific Group Committee of the House of RepresentativeIt is said that mainland China does continue to increase pressure on Taiwan, but he believes that the deterrent policy adopted by the United States is effective.

However, Balt believes that the current policies adopted by Biden have not achieved the purpose of deterning Beijing's aggressive military behavior.