(Taipei Comprehensive News) Taiwan President Lai Qingde May officially work on May 20. .Before his inauguration, he encouraged members of the new cabinet to listen to public opinion, saying that if each policy is in line with the people's hearts, when public opinion becomes a backing, I believe that the DPP will no longer be a problem.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Zhongshi News reported that Lai Qingde attended the "Action Innovation AI Cabinet" organized by the new cabinet team on Saturday (May 4) to encourage the new cabinet members to give full play to the team spirit and cross -ministerial meeting.Listen to public opinion, give full play to professionalism, and go all out.

When talking about public opinion, Lai Qingde said that although the Legislative Yuan was only half the three parties, there would be more toss.However, if you do well, each policy is in line with the people's hearts. When public opinion becomes a backing, the three parties will not be a problem in the Legislative Yuan in less than half of the Legislative Yuan.

Lai Qingde also mentioned that more than half of the new government cabinets are non -party, to obtain talents from the society, regardless of the party; more than 80%of the newcomers, representing the hope of injecting more more powerful forces for Taiwanese society.He said that each cabinet member is a temporary choice, please give full play to his professionalism.

Zhu Lilun has not received an invitation letter from the 520 ceremony

A press conference held at the Kuomintang National Political Foundation of the Kuomintang of the Kuomintang before (May 3), which announced the issues of concern to the seven people's concern of big data analysis, including cross -strait relations, rising electricity prices, opposition to abolition, etc.The government responded to the expectations of the people of Taiwan.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said in an interview after the meeting that the 520 national expectations to adjust the DPP's past injustice, eight -year unconstitutional politics, and wrong policy.To make Taiwan progress, it is not only one inaugural ceremony, but really sincerely to face problems and solve problems.

The Taiwan inauguration ceremony will be invited by the Taiwan inauguration ceremony on May 20th.When Zhu Lilun was asked by the media whether to receive an invitation letter from the ceremony, he talked twice and turned away.

In response, a spokesman for the Taiwanese government responded on Saturday that sincerely invited Zhu Lilun and the chairman of the major political parties to attend the ceremony, he had called the invitation first, and the invitation letter would be sent as soon as possible after the production was completed.