(Washington Comprehensive News) Senior officials of the Pentagon of the United States pointed out that if mainland China has blocked Taiwan, it may end in failure.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that the US Assistant National Defense Secretary Ely Ratner, who is responsible for India -Pacific Security Affairs, said on Tuesday (September 19) in the House of Representatives that if the mainland takes blockade measures,Taiwan's allies will have time to mobilize resources.He emphasized that blocking will have a devastating impact on the economy, which will strengthen the determination of international confrontation in Beijing.

Latna said: "(blocking) is likely not to succeed, and it will bring a huge risk of warming China's situation. At that time, Beijing may have to consider whether it is willing to start attacking merchant ships."

He also pointed out: "Blocking (Taiwan) will cause devastating blows to the international community and may trigger a violent response in the international community ... Beijing is likely to try to avoid this." The above statement of Latna was recognized by Joseph McGee, deputy director of strategy, planning and policy of the Ministry of Defense's United Staff, and Major General Joseph McGee.

McGee said: "I think this is an option, but maybe it is an unlikely option ... It is much easier to talk about blocking than implementing the blockade."The Taiwan Strait, saying that "the Chinese People's Liberation Army is not easy to invade Taiwan."

The PLA held a large -scale military exercise around Taiwan last August and April of this year, respectively, and sent military planes around Taiwan almost every day.