Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang presidential candidate who is visiting the United States, talked about cross -strait relations in a think tank discussion that Taiwan is an important member of the Indo -Pacific region and is willing to become a "responsible interest relationship", that is, TaiwanIt will not become a troublemaker, and will play the role of "peacekeeper" and "risk reduction".

Comprehensive joint newspaper Free Times reported that Hou Youyi participated in a closed -door discussion at the American Think Tank Traditional Foundation on Tuesday (September 19) local time (September 19).This is the fourth think tank discussion since Hou Youyi went to the United States.

Hou Youyi said in the discussion that defending freedom and guarding the people is the common belief and mission of Taiwan and the United States.One generation and generation passed on.

Hou Youyi said that the purpose of this trip to the United States is to want American friends to understand that Taiwan is an important member of the Indo -Pacific region and is willing to become a "responsible stakeholder", that is, Taiwan will not become a troublesomeness.The manufacturer will play the role of "peacekeeper" and "lower risk".

Hou Youyi emphasized that economic development and high -tech industries, including semiconductors, are the lifeblood of Taiwan's survival.The two sides of the strait should strengthen dialogue and enhance functional interaction to reduce the risk of conflict, but it will not have unrealistic ideas for Beijing's intentions. Only by allowing Taiwan to stay away from the war and the peace of the Taiwan Strait can help the stability and prosperity of the region., That is "Taiwan Strait, Taiwan's security, and peace of mind."

Hou Youyi's campaign office also stated through press releases that in recent years, the international community is worried that Taiwan may become the next detonation point of the World War, and even mentioned that Taiwan is the most dangerous place on the planet.In the closed -door meeting, exchange opinions on related issues.

The members of the meeting include Jeff Smith, director of the Traditional Foundation Asia Research Center, Michael Cunningham, a researcher at the Asian Research Center, and Bryan Burack, a senior policy adviser,Famous scholar experts.