The results of the public opinion survey released by the Taiwan Institute of National Defense Security showed that 45%of the Taiwanese people believe that the Taiwan army's combat power has improved, and this value has always been the highest.

Comprehensive Central News Agency and Liberty reportanalyze.

Li Guancheng said that, given that in the past, the in intention of cognitive operations in mainland China to crack down on Taiwan troops and disrupt the people's hearts, the time points of the implementation of the polls of the National Defense Council were selected after the main army performed, so it can pass several time points.Analyze the trend and observe the impact of mainland cognitive operations on Taiwan's public opinion.

Li Guancheng said that since 2021Stronger; the outbreak of the Russia -Ukraine War in late February 2022, fake information in the early days of the war was full, and the mainland also used opportunities to launch the "today's Ukraine, Tomorrow Taiwan" cognitive combat offensive.The proportion of strong combat power of the Taiwan army fell to 33%.

In August 2022 polls, the proportion of strong combat power of the Taiwan army rose 10 percentage points.In the polls in March this year, the ratio fell to 31%again.However, according to the latest polls in August this year, the proportion of strong combat power of the Taiwan army rose by about 14 percentage points to 45%, the highest in history.

As for "the military aid of the United States to Taiwan will push Taiwan to the war", Li Guancheng compares that although 57 % of the respondents in August this year did not agree with this statement, compared to 3 this year60 % of the month decreased slightly, but the percentage gap is within the scope of errors, which means that most people have not been affected by the mainland and have doubts about the United States.

The above -mentioned investigation and commissioned by the National Defense Council commissioned the Political Congress Election Research Center from August 23 to August 27 to conduct telephone access for adults over 20 years old in Taiwan and Penghu.Samples are weighted according to gender, age, education level and the place of residence.At the level of 95 % confidence, the maximum possibility of random sampling error is positive and negative 2.97 %.