Due to the slowdown in global demand, Taiwan's integrated circuit chip exports have declined for six consecutive months in June this year.Low month.This decline is also the largest since March 2009.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan said that in addition to the slowdown in global demand, the comparative base of last June was also the reason why the high base was also a large decline.

Consumer electronic technology companies are trying to solve the problem of excess inventory this year.Bloomberg reports that at least before the end of this year, the problem of excess inventory will also suppress the sales of chip factories such as Terrace Power.For example, smart phones have not been sold well last year, and have not returned to growth this year; personal computer manufacturers are also difficult to stimulate buying, and they continue to see the decline of double -digit sales.

Sino -US trade tension also affects Taiwan's chip industry.The exports of chip exports to mainland China and Hong Kong have fallen for the eighth consecutive month in June. Taiwan's chip exports to Lukang account for 50%of all chip exports in Taiwan.