Taiwan media reports that the United States requires the development of biological warfares in the Institute of Prevention of the Ministry of National Defense.In this regard, the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan clarified that it was not a fact.

According to the Taiwan United Daily News Sunday (July 9), the United States demanded that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense Institute of Prevention Medical Research Institute invested in the construction of a new P4 laboratory, secretly established the ability to develop virus capabilities and develop biological warfares.

The Military News Agency of the Ministry of National Defense issued a press release on the same day to respond to this report, saying that the task of the Institute of Prevention Medical Research is mainly based on the original investigation, protection and treatment of infectious diseases.Reagents for biological combat agents to strengthen biological combat defense detection capabilities, and related reports are not fact.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the Taiwan Army's nuclear biochemical combat was based on protecting energy as the main axis.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan also emphasized that Taiwan has signed "prohibiting the development, manufacturing, storage, obtaining or retaining biological and toxin weapons and avoiding its possible destruction conventions."According to the requirements of the Convention, Taiwan will never develop, manufacture, store, obtain or maintain microbiological preparations, other biological preparations or toxins for military use.