Lai Qingde, the President of the Democratic Progressive Party and the current vice president of Taiwan, voted in the United States media, and proposed the four pillar political opinions of the Peace of National Defense, Economy, Democracy, and Maintaining the Status, and brought a specific plan for his Peace -Baotai slogan.

Scholars believe that this statement will be welcomed by Washington, but it will have limited effect on ease cross -strait relations and boosting election.

The Taiwan election will vote on January 13, 2024. After Tsai Ing -wen is re -elected for two sessions, it will no longer be able to run.Lai Qingde was ahead of the current presidential election poll.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States published an article on Lai Qingde's article on Tuesday (July 4). My plan to defend the peace of the Taiwan Straits. If he is elected president, the four major peace pillar political opinions will be implemented, including strengthening national defense deterrence, improving economic security, and launching democratic partner cooperation.And stable and principled Steady and Principled Cross-Strait Leadership.

Regarding the largest peace pillar of national defense, Lai Qingde said that under the leadership of Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan has improved the national defense budget, reforming recruitment and preparation (also known as combat reserve) system, raising the cost of Beijing forces to attack Taiwan, and reducing the risk of explosive conflicts.On this basis, he will accelerate the transition of the Taiwan army into asymmetric combat troops, and at the same time cooperates with allies to strengthen training, troops reorganization, civil defense and information sharing.

For the second largest peace pillar of the economy, Lai Qingde said that he will accelerate the establishment of a security supply chain, pursue a variety of trade agreements, support local innovation enterprises, and unnecessary supervision, and strive to ensure the results of the people's balanced sharing economic growth.

The third largest peace pillar is to establish a partnership with democratic countries around the world. Lai Qingde mentioned the number of members, non -governmental organizations, think tanks and official delegations visiting Taiwan.Essence

Regarding the fourth largest peace pillar of cross -strait policies, Lai Qingde emphasized that facing the increase in military and economic challenges. His primary task is to maintain the status quo of cross -strait policies by maintaining pragmatic and consistent cross -strait policies, because it is in line with the greatest interests of the Republic of China and the international community.He also said that he would never rule out a dialogue with Beijing without premise on the basis of the principle of peering and dignity.

Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in the United States, pointed out in an interview with the media that Lai Qingde mentioned the name of the Republic of China in the Constitution of the Constitution.I believe that it will be welcomed by Washington. For him, he may go to Paraguay, South America to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony next month, and pave the way to the United States by the way.

In January of this year, the United States reported suspicion, fearing that he had claimed to be pragmatic Taiwan independence workers and claiming that Taiwan was an independent country, which would lead to worsening cross -strait relations.However, his recent speeches have been inclined to continue Cai Yingwen's cross -strait policy.

After the DPP's end -of -nine -in -one election was defeated at the end of last year, Lai Qingde proposed to fade the theory of peace and conservation of anti -Chinese colors, but only the goal and no plan were approved.Now that he has brought out the specific plan and discussion of the Peace -to -Baotai, it has attracted attention on the impact of the presidential election campaign.

Liao Daqi, an honorary professor at the Institute of Political Science, Kaohsiung University, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the key was not what politicians said, but his long -term impression in the minds of the people, so she did not have a direct impact on the election.

She said that from the perspective of the United States, this statement may be a solution to the impression of Lai Qingde's Taiwan independence.However, for mainland China, strengthening national defense will be considered as increasing confrontation, and it is still a big question to promote and avoid war.

Liao Daqi believes that although Lai Qingde mentioned the Republic of China, he still did not say that Beijing's 1992 consensus was regarded as a secret language, so cross -strait relations could not ease.Lai Qingde may be difficult to cooperate about the current strategic needs of the United States to alleviate relations with the mainland and restore communication.