Guo Taiming went to Kaohsiung to visit the Kuomintang City Councilor Li Meixi on July 3, and posted a photo with Li Meizhen and his father Li Rongzong in Facebook that night.After that, Li Meizhen thanked Facebook for all her forces for her candidates, but emphasized "the only support for Hou Youyi."(Guo Taiming Facebook)

Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, has become increasingly clear. After the parasitic Kuomintang and the M & A party, he was accused of brewing after the National Party Congress of the Kuomintang on July 23It was announced to run independently and launched a million -person joint support nomination in September.

Experts analyzed that after Guo Taiming entered the bureau, if one of the three in the wild is not integrated, the party's rotation hopes to make a bubble.However, it may also promote the reality of facing division in the wild camp. Once the two parties form a non -green alliance, the third party will be marginalized or forced to automatically move closer.

Taiwan will hold the presidential election on January 13, 2024 half a year later. Although about 60 % of the people are looking forward to the rotation of political parties, the DPP who ruling the DPP will be elected because the opposition party is fighting.People Lai Qingde's support ranked first.

Xinbei Mayor Hou Youyi won the maximum call of the Kuomintang of the Wild Party on May 17th. Guo Taiming, who was not recruited, posted on Facebook on the same day, claiming that "I will keep the promise to support Mayor Hou to win."However, he recently launched a series of actions, and the intention of running was clear.

Since June 20, Guo Taiming has proposed the political opinions covering energy, education, national defense, economy, agricultural and fisheries;Assisting them to win and achieve political party rotation, and based on the title of "the moon is shining in the river, the ambition is in my heart", he is determined to lead Taiwan to get out of the predicament.

The 72 -year -old Guo Taiming is not a member of the Kuomintang. The analysis of the comprehensive Taiwan media. His preferred strategy is to parasitize the Kuomintang and the DPP.Ke Wenzhe, Chairman of the People's Party and former Taipei Mayor, asked him to be the president.After confirming that he could not be recruited by the Kuomintang, and because of the "mergers and acquisitions" scared away the people's party, he was said to have recently stated that he would "run to the end" many times.

Because Hou Youyi was at the bottom of the support of multiple polls, the sound of "Ting Guo" and "Change Hou and Hanbu Zhu" in the Kuomintang, who hoped to re -consider Guo Taiming or South Korean Yu, who may be more likely to recruit, and asked for requestingParty Chairman Zhu Lilun stepped down to thank him.However, under the situation of former President Ma Ying -jeou and former Legislative Dean Wang Jinping, the Great Old and Lao Gao Ting Power and the Secretary -General of the former National Security Association, Jin Jicong, the presence of Kim Jiancong, traded the election campaign, Hou Youyi was unlikely to be replaced.

However, Guo Taiming's election action is still warming.In the next two weeks, he will participate in the "Chairman's Explanation" three fans of the North, Central and South Fans, including July 14th in Kaohsiung, on the 15th and New Taipei on the 15th;"Chen Zhihan and former legislator Huang Guochang initiated the" fairness and justice saving Taiwan "parade in front of the Kaida Grand Avenue in front of the Presidential Palace.

Guo Taiming is said to not be announced on these occasions. It is ready to wait and see if the Kuomintang's all -generation will nominate Hou Youyi on the July 23rd.The support of millions of people jointly departed, and accumulated chips became non -green co -owners.

Guo Taiming's election or not has the biggest variable in the election campaign.Once he is running for election, he must persuade voters, why he promises to help Hou Youyi win the election but regret it, otherwise integrity will face challenges.

Once a four -corner battle appears, it is generally believed that Lai Qingde of the DPP can easily win.The pro -blue media recently called on Guo Taiming to think twice and not to be a sinner who was killed by the party's rotation.match".

Tsai Zhengyuan, a former member of the Kuomintang, pointed out in an interview with the Lianhe Morning Post that if Guo Taiming launched an independent election and forming a four -corner battle, the leading Ke Wenzhe will find Hou Youyi or Guo Taiming to cooperate, otherwise the power in the wild will be busy in vain.In a game, "I was killed together."

Although the four -corner battle is obviously not good for the wild camp, the recent public opinion direction has turned to "kill the land and then live", and it does not rule out that Liu Danhua Huiming Village has another non -Green Alliance.

Cai Zhengyuan described that the worst case may contribute the best results. Once the wild camp "three piglets have no way", as long as any two parties form a non -green alliance, the third party will be marginalized or forced to automatically move closer.

He analyzed that Ke Wenzhe, who was sitting in the sits, could have expected voters to "abandon Hou Baoke"; but from the perspective of multiple polls, after Guo Taiming entered the game, Ke Wenzhe's polls declined the most obvious.

He believes that if Ke Wenzhe cooperates with the current relatively weak Hou Youyi, he has a better negotiation advantage and does not rule out to win the "Deputy Ke Zheng Hou", but Guo Taiming, who is interested in the strong mergers and acquisitions, may become "Deputy Guo Zhengke"EssenceOnce Kehou is forming, it is regarded as the best opportunity to overthrow the DPP. Guo Taiming faces a marginal crisis or is forced to cooperate with Kehou.

Cai Zhengyuan admits that the Centennial Party and Kuomintang must not be willing to be a deputy, but instead of being marginalized, it is better to fight for winning and lift the legislators for more than half;Strive for "Hou Zhengke Deputy".

He pointed out that Guo Taiming was supported by donating BNT crown vaccines and fighting against the DPP; Ke Wenzhe criticized the DPP for many years and raised anti -green flags; Hou Youyi was the mayor and was nominated by the Kuomintang.The current political reality is that the three shares have social foundations in the wild forces. If there is no chance of not integrating, we should avoid saying bad words to retain room for cooperation.