Ke Wenzhe, a presidential candidate for the Taiwanese party, said that he must run to the end of the president and say that Hon Hai's founder Guo Taiming had the ability to find a person in the case, and the election would be his right.

Ke Wenzhe, who is 64 years old next month, is a professor at the Taiwan University School of Medicine, nicknamed Ke P (that is, Professor Ke).He spoke straightforwardly, founded the people's party four years ago, advertised the white power that surpassed the blue and green, attracting many young middle voters who hate the DPP and look down on the Kuomintang.

Taiwan will hold the president and legislator election on January 13, 2024, half a year later. Ke Wenzhe has recently sat in a number of polls, surpassing the Kuomintang candidates and the mayor of New Taipei, Hou Youyi, and approaching the leading Democratic ProgressParty candidate and Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde.

Ke Wenzhe on Sunday (July 9th) in the Taipei Fan meeting who participated in the "Chairman's Statement" in the evening, talked to media people Wu Zijia and Qian Yijun.

For the determination to run, Ke Wenzhe answered the audience as a question that the Taiwanese party has nominated him to choose the president, so he "must be selected to the end."

Some audiences asked how to respond to Guo Taiming's independent election. Ke Wenzhe said that if Guo Taiming has the ability to find people to sign up, "running is his right."However, he also warned that he had not been running in advance. Everyone was more afraid. Once the election was determined, the positive attack began, and "everyone started."

Guo Taiming, who has no party membership, is said to still expect the Kuomintang to re -consider recruiting him. If the Kuomintang's National Congress (All -Delivery Council) still insists on nomination of Hou Youyi on the 23rd of this month.The support nomination nomination of millions of people jointly associated on the 17th before the 17th.Experts generally believe that once a four -corner battle is formed, unless the wild force is formed by non -green alliances, it will be busy.

Ke Wenzhe opened a bow on the left and right in the two -hour conversation, and the views on cross -strait relations and the coalition government also attracted attention.

Facing the unified goal and force threat of Beijing, Ke Wenzhe said that "leaving a democratic freedom Taiwan is not a bad thing for mainland China." At the same timeAsymmetric combat power, because "there must be a price, and national defense must be prepared."

Regarding the joint government, Ke Wenzhe said that the next Legislative Yuan is likely to be three parties. If he is elected president, he does not rule out cooperation with the Blue and Green Party, and the biggest party of the Legislative Yuan recommends the president of administrative president to maintain political stability and avoid pouring the cabinet.crisis.

The reporter observed on the spot and found that the young man responded to the warmth. Ke Wenzhe's funny conversation caused laughter and applause. At the beginning and end of the game, the supporters frequently shouted "President".

The event the next day, Wu Zijia, chairman of the Meilimao Electronics News, wrote that many polls have shown that the intermediate, young and pan -blue voters continue to flow to Ke Wenzhe and the people's party.The integration of the Kuomintang and Hou Youyi and unity of the "non -green alliance" have not made meaningful actions. If the election cannot stop falling to stabilize in the short term, the pattern of the Kuomintang's leading party's rotation may be by Ke Wenzhe.Take over.

Wu Zijia said that in June, the polls showed 42.6 % of the public agreed that the opposition party should jointly launch the candidate of the Zheng and Vice President, of which 52.3 % and 57.4 % of the voters supported Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe were agreed in the field alliance, which can be regarded as blue and white cooperation.The foundation of public opinion.He believes that once the blue and white cooperation breaks the situation, voters may abandon Hou Baoco from the bottom up and concentrated votes, becoming the biggest nightmare for the third child.