Hou Youyi, a candidate for the Kuomintang President, stated that if he was elected in Taiwan, he would restore his obligation to four months.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News reported that Taiwan Cai Yingwen announced last year that the four -month voluntary service period was restored to one year.1 "Project, that is, allowing college students to complete their studies in three years and serve as soldiers for one year.Kuomintang President Hou Youyi said on Monday (July 3) in an exclusive interview with the TVBS program that as long as he was elected in Taiwan, he would resume a four -month obligation period.

Hou Youyi said in an exclusive interview with the TVBS "Shaokang War Love Room" program that he opposed the "3+1" project proposed by the DPP government, which will make the educational resources uneven distribution and young youngPeople are going to the battlefield and compress the students' learning time.

Hou Youyi mentioned that cross -strait relations are the top priority, and said that "if they are elected president, they must ensure that they can stabilize and peaceful cross -strait and restore the military service period for four months."

Hou Youyi bluntly stated that the two sides of the strait must trust each other and communicate with each other.

On the same program, Hou Youyi also stated for the first time to support the "1992 Consensus" of the Constitution of the "Republic of China".

Hou Youyi emphasized in an exclusive interview that his route has never changed. He has never opposed the "1992 Consensus" and supports "the 1992 Consensus of the Constitution of the Republic of China", advocating that cross -strait do not acknowledge sovereignty over sovereignty., Do not deny the political reality of governance.Hou Youyi also said that he opposed the "1992 Consensus" of "one country, two systems" and the "1992 Consensus" discredited by the DPP.