The issue of declining declining Taiwan has continued to intensify. The Ministry of Education of Taiwan predicts that the freshman freshman of this fall will fall below 200,000 for the first time. In the next 16 years, an average of 3,400 people may be reduced per year in the next 16, calling on the government to respond quickly.

According to the China Times News Network, the statistics of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan show that this year's university freshmen will only be about 191,000, a decrease of 10,000 people from last year, a record low.The Ministry of Education also further estimates that freshmen will continue to decrease. By the 2028 school year, only 157,000 people will be left. The 2030 school year is expected to rise to 189,000.7,000 people, reaching the low point again.

In addition, from the perspective of all the number of college students, it is expected that the 2024 school year will fall below 900,000, and only 719,000 people will remain in the 2038 academic year to come to the lowest point in history.

The report quoted Ge Zixiang, the president of Taiwan Longhua University of Science and Technology, said that in the face of the problem of declining childization, the university could not find the problem of students. One is to do it.The Department of Studies and the Department of Study only, otherwise the registration rate will be ugly and further affects the enrollment; the second is to strengthen internationalization and recruit more international students to supplement the source of students.

According to statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, the total population of Taiwan in 2022 was 23.264640, a negative growth for the third consecutive year. Among them, the number of newcomers in the year was only 138,986.New low.