Former US national security adviser Bolton, a former US national security consultant who represented the Republican President of China, called on the United States to dual recognition of Taiwan and the mainland.

Interviewed scholars analyzed that there was a steady stream of American politicians who accompanied the presidential election to visit Taiwan. The goal was believed to be accumulated in the presidential election.Will not promise.

The 74 -year -old John Bolton visited Taiwan for seven days from April 26. He successively visited the DPP and the largest Kuomintang of the Wild Party.Taiwan and abroad, co -organized by the alliance, are conferences at home and abroad.

Bolton, who had been the United Nations Ambassador to the United Nations, believes that Taiwan already has the basic elements of the country.He reiterated the proposal mentioned in 2000 to call on the United States to restore diplomatic relations, provide comprehensive diplomatic relations for Taiwan, and make the mainland and Taiwan a United Nations members at the same time, with applause and applause at the scene.

However, when he accepted a joint media visit and was asked, he proposed a dual recognition of the cross -strait, and if he was really elected president, he would recognize Taiwan, and the tone turned conservative.I haven't decided whether to run, so think about it again.

Bolton also mentioned that as long as the day of Taiwan exist, mainland China feels offended every day; Taiwan's reservation (national defense) power is not provocative, and the weakness will really lead.

He emphasized that before the United States provided a comprehensive diplomatic recognition for Taiwan, the United States and Taiwan had to have a deeper strategic dialogue. In addition to discussing the military sales of Taiwan, they should also coordinate how to divide the work to deal with Beijing's attacking Taiwan.It is too late to discuss it again.

Bolton opposes the disadvantages of cross -strait on the negotiation. He claims that negotiations with the authoritarian state are meaningless. As long as you take the gun away, they will immediately tear up their promises and describe Taiwan as the center of Gravity of Mainland China.

The United States will hold a presidential election on November 5 next year. Bolton has stated that in January this year, he expressed his intention to fight for the Republican nomination for election.Former US Vice President Pence, who intends to compete for president, is rumored to be visiting Taiwan in June.

Bolton served as a Guoan consultant during Trump. In September 2019, he was said to be expelled from Trump because of disagreement, but he insisted that he took the initiative to resign.He published a book a year later that Trump was prosecuted by Trump on the grounds of violating the White House's confidentiality agreement with the strength gap between Taiwan and the desk to compare the strength of Taiwan and the mainland.

Professor Zhang Deng and Professor Zhang Deng and Professor of Political Science at Taiwan University pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post that from the perspective of the current situation of the President of the Republican President of the United States, Trump and the Governor of Florida De Santis are far ahead.

He judged that Bolton and Pence and others have little chance. In the atmosphere that the Republican Party is more resistant than the Democratic Party at present, the purpose of making up the tough and tough speech, or hoping to expand the appeal of the party and win more party representatives.The support of the supporters and the gold master, so that in the case of the final duel, it has the influence of the king.

Although they can't choose, they have a way to condense some support within the party, and then bid to leaders.If you fall to one of them, when the Republican Party won the presidential election, he has a better political prospect.

Zhang Deng and bluntly said that these people are not political ignorance. They know that Beijing cannot accept dual recognition, and it is also clear that reinstatement with Taiwan will definitely lead to a comprehensive retreat from Sino -US relations. Therefore, they must distinguish their remarks and actual actions as public office.

He believes that after U.S. politicians are officials, they will definitely strengthen the cooperation between Meridian Military, Business and supply chain, and a more tightening policy for the mainland.

However, when it comes to the actual implementation of dual recognition, or overthrowing the three commissions of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Beijing, in 1979, admitting that Taiwan did not recognize the official relationship of the mainland in 1979, Zhang Deng and admitted that I felt that these politicians could not make such commitments.