The Eight Flag Culture Editor of Taiwan's Publishing Group Eight Flag Culture Editor Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu FuZu (formerly known as Li Yanhe) went to mainland China to visit relatives in March and was suspected to be arrested in Shanghai.The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China confirmed that Li Yanhe is suspected of engaging in activities that endanger national security and are under investigation.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhu Fenglian on Wednesday (April 26) said at a press conference that it is understood that Li Yanhe is under investigation of national security organs for suspected activities to endanger national security.Relevant parties will protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

Zhu Fenglian did not explain what Li Yanhe had engaged in the event that endangered Guoan, and the time and place of arrest.

The news of Fucha's loss of contact was first disclosed by Belling, his friend and Chinese mainland travel writer Beiling on April 20.According to the people of the cultural community in Shanghai, Fucha was secretly arrested by the Shanghai police. The incident has been in the event for more than a month, but Facha's family has not been publicized.

The above posts have been deleted, and Beling explained that Fucha's families hope to rescue low -key.

Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan ’s Chief Executive, responded to the incident on April 21 that the Taiwan government would provide the necessary care and assistance of family members.The day before, Zhan Zhihong, deputy chairman of the Taiwan Committee of Taiwan, revealed at a press conference that Fucha "people are safe", saying that the government has always paid attention to the development of the situation, but must fully respect the opinions of family members and explain the details.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, Fucha's mainland to the mainland is mainly for grave sweeping and visiting relatives, and dealing with household registration -related issues.

After the incident was exposed, the author group and working partners of the Eight Banners Culture Press in Taiwan jointly issued a statement, calling on Beijing to officially release Fucha immediately, let him reunite with his family as soon as possible to return to his favorite publication work.

Formerly known as Li Yanhe, born in 1971, was born in Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province.vice president.

After he was married to his wife of Taiwan, he moved to Taiwan in 2009 to settle in Taiwan, joined the Publishing Group of the Reading Republic, and established Banqi Cultural Press.It is reported that Fucha obtained a Taiwan residence permit in 2013, but it was not citizen and still holds the mainland household registration.