The Kuomintang legislators in the wild are officially launched on Wednesday (March 22). The candidate convention stipulates that the academic qualifications are prohibited from fraud and malicious attacks within the party.

According to Taiwan reports, the Kuomintang's 11th Legislative member election nominated the first stage of the assignment to register on Wednesday.The "press conference of the gentleman's dispute, Huang Yiteng, chairman of the discipline and discipline, Lin Jiaxing, deputy chairman of the Wenchuan Association, and Huang Biyun, director of the Selected Movement Department, attended.

The meeting called for the intention to run in the party to take the initiative to avoid the relevant remarks or actions that would generate controversy, the dispute between the gentlemen of each other, and creating a benign and rational competitive environment in the party.

Huang Yiteng, the chairman of the discipline, explained that there are four new features of the candidate convention.During the primaries, in addition to the candidates, they must not damage the reputation of the Kuomintang in remarks or behaviors or improper ways, and undermine the unity within the party; they must not maliciously attack other candidates, and they must also restrict their candidates to abide by the promise matters of the Convention.

Third, the selection method stipulates that during the execution of the preliminary selection polls, it will never quote, publish any poll data and participateWhen there is a dispute, a mechanism for coordination or mediation disputes should be set up, and candidates should comply with the results of coordination.Huang Yiteng pointed out that in addition to the candidates who can ask the party to intervene, if necessary, the party department can also actively intervene in mediation and coordinated arbitration to maintain the party's image.

Huang Yiteng said that the relevant provisions of the Convention is to expect candidates to take the initiative to avoid relevant remarks or actions that will generate controversy, and the dispute between gentlemen.

Lin Jiaxing said that the reform must have the right way. When each candidate registered in the Kuomintang must sign the convention.The party chairman Lai Qingde's "honest terms" ran to register, highlighting that the reform after Lai Qingde took office was high altitude, similar to falsely, and the oath meaning was greater than the essence, and it became a "prodigal change method".

Lin Jiaxing said that the Kuomintang has a candidate convention over the years. It is not specially added this year. The party constitution and party members also have relevant regulations in the nominations of public office elections to ensure that the Kuomintang proposed all excellent, innocent, realistic, realistic, Candidates deserved to be entrusted by the people in Taiwan.