For former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's plan to worship the ancestors of China next week, Chen Jianren, Chief of Taiwan, said that Ma Ying -jeou should hear the voice of the people of Taiwan, and also hopes that this trip can maintain Taiwan's dignity and sovereignty.In the maintenance part, the best, safe, and long -term protection will definitely be provided.

Comprehensive Taiwan reporting and reporting from the Central News Agency, when Chen Jianren was interviewed by the media on Tuesday (March 21) in the morning, he said that Ma Ying -jeou's trip would be on the other side, and there was a global display for Taiwan.The peer respect for sovereignty, more importantly, also hopes to promote Taiwan's freedom, democratic value, and promote global peace.

He said, "Ma Ying -jeou is not only Mr. Ma, but also stepped down the head of state." His behavior is moving.

Regarding the security part, Chen Jianren said that Ma Ying -jeou has done a coordination in the mainland's journey, "we will definiteIt can be safe.

Ma Ying -jeou went to mainland China to worship his ancestors. As he still has stepped down the head of state, the Special Service Center of the National Security Bureau will be responsible for Anwei. As for whether the special service personnel can go to land with a gun, the National Security Bureau responded on the 20th. At present, it is currently.Coordinate the relevant units to formulate a guard plan and expand the safety maintenance deployment.

Ma Ying -jeou will go to mainland China from March 27th to April 7th, and led more than 30 young students to communicate with students in mainland China.This trip is expected to visit Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, Shanghai and other cities.In order to avoid political effects, its itinerary is limited to Central China, it will not go to Beijing, nor will it not conduct a second "Xi Jun" with Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China.