The highly anticipated former traffic minister Yi Huaren involved in corruption cases, during the first trial on Tuesday (September 24), developed dramatic changes.After the prosecution amended the control, Yi Huaren, who had originally intended to defense, acknowledged the charges of four articles against Article 165 of the Criminal Code, and a controlling state that hindered the fairness of judicial justice.Considering.The judge will be sentenced on October 3.

Yi Huaren originally faced two corruption controls with heavy penalties.Under the prevention of corruption, the prosecution must prove the defendant to ask for bribes or bribery, and have interest conveying relationships with bribery.The prosecution believes that both key figures in the case may deny bribery in the transaction, so there is a certain "litigation risk" in the law and control.

Under Article 165 of the Criminal Code, the prosecution does not need to prove the items requested or accepted by the public officials, and have a considerable relationship with their business behavior;It is illegal.The General Procuratorate pointed out that modifying the control of the control can bring a fair and fair result that conforms to the public interest.

Dai Weixiong, deputy prosecutor of the prosecution, pointed out that modifying the control does not mean that the allegations of corruption of Yi Huaren are not established.He pointed out in the court's sentence that the higher the status of public officials involved, the more serious the crimes committed.He said that during the incident, Yi Huaren was the highest administrative official in the Singapore government, and the Singapore government has always been known for its principles of integrity and honesty.Therefore, his behavior significantly affects the reputation of Singapore's hard work.

In response to the words of the Yi Hua Ren defense lawyer Wen Daxing, Dai Weixiong pointed out that public officials can receive items based on friends, or that the gift givers cannot suffer any losses, and they cannot be a reason to reduce the sentence.He said that all crimes against Article 165 harmed the government's interests.

The government's attitude towards corruption and tolerance has strict regulations on receiving gifts or benefits to public officials.Chen Zhensheng, who is in charge of public services, pointed out in Congress that civil servants must not retain gifts of more than 50 yuan unless they pay the market value of gifts to the government.He revealed that in 2023, the number of gifts declared by civil servants and government officials reached 3,450, of which about 14%were valuable to 50 yuan or more.They were allowed to receive 60 % of the gifts.

Chen Zhensheng emphasized that politicians should also adhere to "similar spirit and principles", and there are specific rules in the code of behavior.He said that these provisions aims to ensure that the political system is consolidated and prevent officials from being "owed."

After the last election, the then Prime Minister Li Xianlong wrote a letter to the party members as the Secretary -General of the People's Action Party that the party ’s trust can maintain the trust of Singaporeans over the years, the main reason is its integrity.He said that integrity and non -corrupted government are the most precious assets of the DAP.He is alert to the DAP members, paying attention to the establishment of a relationship with some people and members of the parliament, for the interests of individuals or their companies, or walking with parliamentarians to obtain respect, or to influence government departments or statutory agencies through members, orDecide.

In principle of collecting gifts, Li Xianlong urged members to not collect any gifts or benefits that will cause them to be in conflict of interests.Except for close friends and relatives, the gifts from others must be reported to the Secretary -General of Congress, and he is valued by him.If members want to keep these gifts, they must pay the market price of gifts to the government.

In January of this year, then Deputy Prime Minister Huang Xuncai pointed out in a media interview with Yi Huaren's charged that the behavior conservation of public officials has been established since 1954, but this set of behavior codes are not unchanged.He said that the government will learn from the Yi Huaren incident and continuously review and update the rules of behavior of the Minister.

Yi Huaren is the first minister to show corruption and controlling defense in the history of Singapore.After the prosecution was modified and controlled, he became the first after the independence, and he was guilty and confession under Article 165 of the Criminal Code.This shows that the government adheres to the principles and high standards of cleanliness and transparency, and also plays a greater warning role in receiving benefits or gifts for public officials.The case also reminds people that people will keep their divisions when dealing with public officials and avoid violating the law from being misrepresented.

To maintain the government's integrity and integrity, it is necessary to ensure that public officials who are up and down love and love themselves.This depends on the effective supervision mechanism and punishment system. It is not only a public official who accepts benefits, but also a businessman who gives gifts for bribery.More importantly, public officials and even the entire society must adhere to the values ​​of cleaning the political system and make it part of the Singaporean gene.