In the composition of US hegemony, the US dollar system allows the United States to dominate the United States in the process of global trade settlement.And serve American society; advanced science and technology enables the United States to have top military weapons and powerful military forces to deliver the ability; intricate allies system enables the United States to adjust the relationship between allies within the world through internal communication, so as to use it.Maintain the stability of the regional power structure and prevent other forces from penetrating.

The US dollar, the technology and the allies system complement each other, ensuring the global hegemony of the United States in the past few decades.But as Robert Gilpin emphasized in the war and changes in world politics, the development speed between countries is unbalanced, and the comparison of strength between countries must be in a dynamic balance.After decades of development, the US dollar system is being affected by the trade currency settlement activities from emerging developing countries. For example, a new international trade settlement currency system that can resist the US dollar hegemony is brewing inside the BRIC country;The leading position has been impacted from Europe and Japan in the past, and now the United States competes with China in the form of a "small courtyard high wall".

When the US dollar system and scientific and technological status are impacted, the American allies system will inevitably be affected. The two US government represented by Trump and Biden will take a very different attitude.

The impact of hegemony status, Trump believes that it is the US allies that make the United States excessive at the price to maintain hegemony, leading to a relatively decline in US national strength.Therefore, he proposed the slogan of "priority in the United States", trying to increase tariffs by asking allies to increase defense expenses, increase tariffs on foreign products, and re -negotiate with allies including the United Kingdom, Japan, and the European Union to reshape the US allies system.The Biden government takes the common democratic value and safe industrial supply chain as the starting point, hoping to win allies in a value system and industrial investment.In the field of value system, the United States actively shaping Russia, Iran and other countries is a threat to the democratic world; in the field of supply chain security, it advocates China's threat to global supply chain security.

Whether it is Trump or Biden, the United States adjustment of the allies system reflects the pressure facing the American allies system; and the ability of the United States to manage allies is being impacted.This impact is reflected in the lack of effective treatment of wars in the United States.

Without the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of Yita, the United States may be with European allies to curb Russia and Indo -Pacific allies to block China; the outbreak and continuity of the two wars exposed its power in controlling allies.Although the United States tries to weaken China's influence in a variety of alliance mechanisms in the Indo -Pacific region, the above -mentioned alliance mechanisms are actually expanding cooperation, rather than controlling allies.Because for countries involved in Japan, Australia, India, etc., they certainly hope to cooperate with the United States in the region, especially these cooperation areas are expanding to climate change and technological innovation cooperation.

In the past, the ability of the United States to manage alliances in handling the relationship between allies and affecting the behavior of allies in interaction with foreign countries, such as during the Cold War, although the United States and the Soviet Union confronted each other, in fact, the two countries were interacting withFormed a rich experience and tacit understanding, neither the two sides condemned their allies in the field of the two countries as the core interests.One of the reality cases.

Now, the United States has failed to stop the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War and the outbreak of Harbin. At the same time, as an ally, the United States had to provide support for NATO, Israeli allies and Ukraine.The support for the two wars not only consumes a lot of resources in the United States, but also weaken the legitimacy of the United States in modern international order step by step.When the United States tried to cool the situation, the allies did not buy it.Ukraine launched an attack on Russia's local Kurusk region without notifying the United States and NATO, and the United States had to postpone the way to "punish" the way to provide remote weapons;It will undoubtedly lead to the further upgrade of the situation in the Middle East.U.S. Secretary of State Brills went to the Middle East for mediation many times, trying to promote the situation to cool down.The operation of Israel will continue to delay the Harbin fire process, and the pressure on the United States will continue to exist.

Therefore, from the perspective of the development of the United States allies system, it is easy to expand cooperation, but it is difficult to manage differences and risks.For American decision makers, maybe it is time to reflect on the allies system. After all, the most important object of the aftermath of the aftermath of the war system is the Cold War, which is no longer suitable for the international community today.After the United States re -integrated new alliance mechanism, that is, through the integration of multiple groups of bilateral allies, incorporating the diversified "low political" cooperation fields into the alliance agenda, and actively attracting other non -all -all -all partners to join the new new one of them.Forms, such as the Quartet Dialogue+(Quad Plus) mechanism, can attract a certain attitude of cooperation with other countries in the Asia -Pacific region, because QUAD is under the leadership of the United States, a military security cooperation mechanism for the Indo -Pacific region, but in the mechanism involvedMore extensive specific cooperation areas.At the same time, in the context of competition in the United States and China, both sides are more cautious in the process of fighting for cooperation with other countries, and they are avoiding the creation of a "bordering station" situation. Therefore, "opening" has become a necessary condition for supporting and cooperation.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute