On September 19, the Minister of Commerce of China, Wang Wentao, met with Valdis Dombrovskis, executive vice chairman and trading member of the European Union Headquarters of Brussels.As of now, the highly anticipated China -EU electric vehicle tariff negotiation has not brought schedules as of now, but it has begun to touch specific issues such as "price commitment".

This negotiation is almost considered to be the last effort to achieve reconciliation in China and Europe.According to the original plan, the EU 27 member states will vote for tariff cases on September 25. If they pass, the European Union will formally collect anti -subsidy tariffs on electric vehicles in China.

Although Wang Wentao and East Brovskis did not reach an agreement, they disclosed two signals after the meeting: Central Europe will continue to conduct a price commitment agreement in exchange for no tariffs; some EU diplomats revealed to the US media that the original designated was scheduled to be that it was originally scheduled to be.The final voting on September 25 was postponed to give the two parties more negotiation time.

"Price Promise" means that when Chinese car companies, including BYD, exported to the European Union, actively raised the price to reduce harm to European companies.As a exchange, the European Union canceled tariffs.The Ministry of Commerce of China also mentioned that this move shows the "maximum flexibility and sincerity of the maximum."

This negotiation is related to the future of the two economies -China hopes to use major transformation and upgrading in the fields of new energy vehicles to get rid of the current economic dilemma; Europe hopes to maintain a few advantageous industries, so as not to be thrown by China and the United States.Down.

"Differential Europe"

From the trade war in the Trump era, to the latest tariffs on electric vehicle (100%tax rate) to China, there is no room for almost every time, and it often expands to almost all category products. Once the collection is collected, Living for several years.

In contrast, the contest of Central and EU seems to be "traditional" -the startup investigation, corporate samples, and announce tax rates, after nine months; then after the temporary tax rate is announced, the two parties negotiate and start from June.Until the eve of the voting, there was still no fixed number.

The United States regards trade with China as a "national security" issue; the European Union is used as a pure trade problem. Therefore, the treatment methods and efficiency adopted are completely at two levels.

The United States' attitude towards China is consistent, from the White House to Congress, with enemies. In contrast, the European Union is seriously different from the issue of China.

Varg Folkman, a policy analyst at the European Policy Center of Think Tank, told BBC that China hopes to differentiate leaders of some EU member states, and leaders of some member states may stand in China in voting in China.On one side, prevent tariffs.

In accordance with EU regulations, the tariffs on China Electric EMU implemented on July 4 are "temporary identification" and said that "if discussions with China fail to reach an effective solution", then EU member states will vote at the end of SeptemberIf it is officially implemented from November, it lasts for five years.

"Among the member states, Germany's opposition voices are the highest. They believe that if you vote for tariffs, China will retaliate. Spain has been swaying. Their Prime Minister has recently went to China.The attitude has changed, and other member states, such as France, are very supportive of the resolution of improving tariffs.

In a consultation voting for tariffs on China Electric Motors in July, 12 countries such as Spain, France, Italy, and Lithuania were in favor; Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, and Slovakia opposed it;Essence

Since then, Spain's attitude seems to be loose.According to the European Union's procedure, the final voting requires 15 member states, and 65%of the EU population will vote to oppose it, and the European Commission will shelve the tariff resolution, otherwise it will be approved.

After Wang Wentao visited Europe, Politico, a US political news website, quoted three European Union diplomats that tariffs on China Electric Vehicles had been deleted from the EU's voting agenda on September 25.The earliest possibility was September 30.

Spain and Germany are worried that China will retaliate on Turplus on Spanish ham and German luxury fuel vehicles.

This pressure is practical.On Monday, the Chinese Market Supervision Administration issued a letter to Jaguar Land Rover, Audi, Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes -Benz companies to pay attention to the monopoly behavior during the operation and rectified.

Researcher Kircatgard, a researcher at the Institute of International Economic Research of the US Think Tank, told the media that the European Union is different from the United States.

image source, getty image

Relationships are significant

Fokman said that before the new crown epidemic, Europe was still leading in this field. In just a few years, it has been significantly behind.

"In the absence of any balance tariffs, the subsidized electric vehicles are extremely dangerous to enter Europe. They will surpass European manufacturers and cause us to suffer. And car manufacturers are an important part of the European economy.Especially in Germany, this may further damage our competitiveness.

Germany is the major auto producer in Europe, but it is also the EU and the deepest economy in China -German Bank of Germany that the German direct investment in China reached a record high of 11.9 billion euros in 2023, an increase of an increase of 11.9 billion euros.4.3%.Direct investment in China accounted for 10.3%of the total foreign direct investment in Germany, which doubled this ratio than before the epidemic.Among them, the car is the top priority. In 2023, Germany's direct investment in the automotive field accounted for 29%of China; in the machine tool industry and the chemical industry, this number was 13%and 8%, respectively.

This means that although Chinese electric vehicles have challenged Germany in the EU market; Germany has to consider whether China, as the largest overseas market in Germany, will build a barriers to Germany to retaliate against the EU.

Miracle or Fat?AB surface of China's electric vehicle industry

For China, new energy vehicles are also a good card that cannot be separated.Economics Think Tank (EIU) Analyst Arushi Kotecha said that because electric vehicles include not only the latest technologies in the field of lithium -ion batteries and semiconductors, but also the vehicle -assisted driving parts industry (such as laserRadar), high economic added value is critical to economic growth.

From the perspective of geographical strategy, Wang Chuanfu, president of Chinese electric vehicle giant BYD (BYD), mentioned in a speech that 70%of China's oil relies on imports, of which 70%will pass through the Malacca Strait and 70%of oil in the automotive industry."These three '70%'will stuck our necks, and it is easy to be cut off, and a solution is to develop new energy and reduce dependence on oil."

In this round of energy transformation, the automotive industry has changed greatly, the advantages of traditional giants are reused, and China hopes to achieve curve overtaking from Germany and the United States and Japan.

For advanceAs far as Chinese electric vehicles in the military global market are concerned, the European Union is too important -the United States and Canada have imposed 100%tariffs. These two markets seem to have no hope, and the EU is the largest purchasing power and volume.market.