"Inner roll" is a buzzword in China in recent years. It is used to describe low -quality and low -cost caused by various vicious competitions in the society.Salary is "meaningless effort".

On July 30, the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government first met after the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, deploying economic work in the second half of 2024.The meeting announced that "to prevent the‘ internal roll -type ’vicious competition.”This is the first time that the word "inner volume" has appeared in the official language of the mainland government, and the meaning behind it is extremely unusual.Under the conditions of artificial intelligence (AI), intelligent automation, quantum computing, and biological engineering, how to solve this problem involves the fate of capitalism and thus has historical significance.This is not alarmist -the new technology should bring great rich material wealth, but the "inner roll" is a vicious competition under the shortage of market demand.Overcoming this contradiction will inevitably lead to a comprehensive transformation of backward capitalism.

Overwhelming of 10,000 years

The "hundred -year -old change" in China is described as the current turbulent and uncertain world.From the perspective of longer historical development, it is just a small part of the world that has not been encountered for thousands of years. "Wannian overturning" far exceeds the imagination of a century -old change, but its direction is clear.After grasping the "overwhelming over the years", you can cure "a hundred years of huge changes" like cooking Xiaoxian.(The author has a related discussion in the Lianhe Zaobao speech version).

The sign of this new era is an irreversible change from shortage to abundant.When the productivity develops from the decomposition combination from the atom and molecular level, coupled with the index growth of the digital economy, the marginal cost of zero, and the ability of AI, there is nothing really shortage, only the temporary shortage of knowledge.Human knowledge and economic productivity may even change the conditions of all creatures in the entire biological circle, so that they can say goodbye to the shortage as humans.

Sam Altman, who invented OPENAI, once wrote: This revolution will create amazing wealth: Once a strong artificial intelligence "join the labor force", the price of human labor will be reduced to zero, and the goods will be promotedThe service cost is also zero.This causes a huge challenge of wealth distribution.The author believes that the changes in the relevant system will inevitably lead to the birth of a post -capitalist society.Ortman believes that doing these two points of production and distribution can greatly improve people's living standards and allow more people to pursue the life they want.He also reviewed this great change from the entire human history, and attributed it to the fourth revolution after the three major technological revolutions of agriculture, industry, and computing -the artificial intelligence revolution.This is the sense of direction.

The inner rolls of various colors

However, the status quo is intensifying, making the workers vividly roll."Inner volume" is a buzzword in China in recent years. It is used to describe low -quality, low -efficiency and low -cost caused by various vicious competitions in the society. It cannot see the prospects.effort".It refers to malignant or even malicious competition, a typical capitalist phenomenon.China's internal rolls are particularly cruel, with markets, systems and cultural reasons, and the consequences involve economic, individual and international relations.

Economic Inner Volume

Economic inner rolls are called "RACE to the Bottom" in the West, which refersCosts expand market share or attract investment.The price war may cause backward production capacity to squeeze the advanced production capacity; in some industries with strong gathering effects, industry giants may use "inner rolls" to obtain market monopoly positions and endanger market competition.Many companies fall into the dilemma of "rolling the price without rolling."The prices of competitive prices have made the company's profitable or even losing money, and often seriously affects the healthy development of the entire industry. Because only when companies make money, they can invest in subsequent research and development to ensure sustainable development.

Inner rolls still have system accelerators in China."Inner rolls" also have a lot to do with local industries and market segmentation.In many places, regardless of their own resource endowment and industrial foundation, it is better to issue excessive discounts and do not meet the actual conditions of the local area. It is also necessary to go to emerging industries, resulting in repeated construction and industrial homogeneity.Local protection soil policies are also the cause of "internal rolls". Some localities have set up market barriers, resulting in market segmentation and industries that fail to meet scale benefits.In terms of business culture, the motto of "shopping malls is like a battlefield", "let the opponent run out of the last drop of blood" way of thinking, so that there are no winners in the vicious competition, only one place.


Third Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee proposed "cleaning and abolition of various regulations and practices that hinder the national unified market and fair competition" and "strictly prohibiting violations of laws and regulations to give preferential policies."The Politburo meeting also proposed "strengthening the market for the survival of the fittest, and the low -efficiency capacity of low -efficiency capacity to withdraw from the pipeline."These policies are conducive to anti -industry rolls and malignant competition, but they cannot change the nature of capital and lack the necessary institutional reform.For government officials at all levels, really reforms and implement these policies, not only many zombie companies will close immediately, increase the unemployment rate, but also turn out the old accounts to trace the decision -making errors of leaders. Therefore, officials choose to maintain the status quo and maintain the status quo.muddle along.

Inner volume in the personal level

The damage of the

inner volume is mainly reflected at the personal level.The internal roll at the personal level is called "RAT RACE" in Western capitalist countries.This is a metaphor, which refers to the competition for the benefit of material interests. It is under great pressure and is often meaningless.It usually means that it is trapped in a monotonous and high -pressure work method. It has almost no time to relax or achieve personal achievements, but because of economic pressure or social expectations, it is obliged to persist.The most intuitive feeling of young people in the face of competition is that they are very tired and weak, and feel that their repetitive investment cannot see meaning and breakthrough.

In today's Chinese society, many young people hang "too much" to their mouths.A famous photo of Tsinghua University's famous photo "watching the computer while riding" is called "King of Roll".During the kindergarten and even prenatal education, children have been incorporated into the crazy inside of the adult world.The Chinese government strikes the teaching and training industry, and even established the Fa. After a few years, it was found that the effect was not great. Those training courses were transferred to the ground, or they were as decentralized as family churches.China's per capita GDP has reached more than 1200 US dollars (about S $ 15,887), but 600 million people have only 1,000 yuan (about S $ 184) per month.EssenceIn the United States, which worship is not as good as European countries, the inside rolls has caused a "The Working Poor".They strive to work, and sometimes a person can still do a few jobs and still cannot support their families, becoming the inferior trace of developed capitalism and the shame of social fairness.

The author clearly remember that when studying in the United States, he often heard the secretary in the department complaining: if they bought lunch, the monthly salary was not enough.A bank's account of $ 5 per month for a monthly maintenance fee has become the last straw that crushes the poor; a female university is angry, but it initiates the public opinion offensive forcing the bank to recover.However, the pressure of such enhanced performance reports is everywhere, and similar incidents will emerge.A small decimal movement on the software on the Chinese platform company can let thousands of courier brothers run broken.With the rise of living expenses, the phenomenon of "poor people work" may spread in China.

There are two consequences of the inner rolls at the personal level: First, the promotion of philosophy and lifestyle is lying down.After a period of popularity for a period of time, its antonym "lying down" was born, bringing the discussion into the second half.A blogger with a pen name "kind traveler" proudly posted: "I have no jobs for more than two years, they are all playing, and I don't think it's wrong. The pressure mainly comes from the traditional concept of comparing each other on the side .... "" And it is quite philosophical: "Lying flat is my wise man movement, only lying flat, talent is the scale of all things."Why mustHard?"Only lying flat talents are the standards of all things." It means that the Chinese economy is not as "people -oriented" or "people -centered" like official announcements -capitalism has always been "money as the body and people as the use".

This connects the second consequences of the inner roll: hatred for capital.The emotions of Chinese young people and capital are increasing, especially the "persuasion" that "capitalists" are high, such as "all your distress, confusion and confusion are too high, inertia is too strong", and Ma Yun's 996 lifeAnd the way of struggle.This hatred was immediately found the outlet and theoretical basis in the official ideology: "class struggle" to resist "exploitation and squeeze".With Mao Zedong's deafening and magnificent words: "The truth of Marxism is thousands of things, which is a sentence: Rebellion is reasonable!"

But that's the most afraid of the official situation.In ideology orthodox, it cannot be refuted, so I have to repeat the slogan of "common prosperity".However, seeking common prosperity in capitalism is tantamount to fate and fish.These all illustrate the lack of ideology or innovation of ideology."The people's longing for a better life is our goal of struggle." Obviously, it is by no means the people's longing.

International internationally roll

The consequences of

inner rolls in foreign relations are becoming increasingly apparent. The prominent example is the Tai Chi excessive trick of "overcapacity" surrounded by China and the United States recently.Many of China's exports are crushed into "cabbage prices", causing huge resources, ecological destruction and economic losses.The reason why Chinese enterprises are viciously competing is the main cause of production capacity; in order to find the way, actively dumping the outside world has triggered alert.The entire West has a trade barrier in trees to block the impact of Chinese goods, and excuses the security of the supply chain to enter another volume.

So China had to turn to the south of the world, and the result was still invincible.The British Economist Weekly website was published on August 1st, entitled that Chinese companies are winning the south of the world.Under the artificial intelligence revolution, it can be imagined that China has defeated all competitors and becomes the only production and supplier in the world. The output is still more than the world's needs.This assumption will produce two results: First, comprehensive isolation and enemy with the world; 2. Capitalist production methods are completely bankrupt, and the world will jointly create capitalist order.

Inner rolls are hard -working due to shortage. This shortage is made by capitalist man -made, not a natural shortage.It can not be exaggerated that the internal rolls in China are the comprehensive surrender of capitalism.(If readers are interested in more systematic discussion, please refer to the three books on the author Amazon's website: https://shorturl.at/mjnwi)

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore