Bangladesh Prime Minister Hasina resigned under the pressure of large -scale demonstrations and took a military aircraft to the Acetara, India, India, in India, and General Uzman, chief of staff of the Army, announced on August 5 that the temporary government will be established on August 5Manage Bangladesh.On the 7th, the Presidential Palace of Bangladesh announced the response to the voices of demonstrations, led by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Yusuus.

Bangladesh's demonstrations began in mid -July. It was to oppose the government's quota system proposed by the government, that is, 30%of the positions left to the Bangladesh's independent war free fighter policy.After the parade intensified, the Supreme Court announced that the policy was invalid on July 30, but this did not eliminate the anger of college students and the public.

As Bangladesh opened the Internet, the army maintained order, and the government announced the cancellation of the citizen's quota system, the outside world thought that the parade of college students would gradually calm down.However, on August 4, the situation changed, and the student parade demonstrated the climax again. The demonstrations clearly demanded that Hasina stepped down and a serious conflict with the police broke out.According to Agence France -Presse, conflicts may cause at least 55 people to die.

The logo of the upgrade of this demonstration is that Bangladesh has once again interrupted the national mobile Internet services. Even if users board the broadband Internet, they will completely prohibit the visits to social media such as Facebook.However, from the results, the effect is not great, and the demonstrators still arrange the gathering time, clear slogan and action plan in advance, forming a climax of protests on August 4, and spread from the capital to Bogla, Pabu sodium, Margola,Waiting for areas.

As a textile industry in Daka's important industries, 47 textile companies have issued a joint statement to support protests from college students.Earlier, professors, lawyers, and some judges of Daka universities also announced their participation in demonstrations.Former Army Commander Besyan and other former senior generals issued a joint statement, asking the government to immediately withdraw their armed forces from the streets, emphasizing that people are no longer afraid of sacrificing their lives.

A former Nepalese Minister of the Nepal in the South Asian country's political struggle told the author that although the West has criticized Harcena as a dictator instead of the leaders generated by a fair election, whether the current protests are with the geographyPolitics is still a problem.Recently, it is reported that Harcena refused to let the US military station in Bangladesh.This speculation is standing, because after large -scale protests, Bangladesh banned Western social media such as Facebook, X platform, Instagram, and Messenger.Does this mean that the social media, like the X platform, publicly advocates overthrowing Venezuela regime?

A turbulent Bangladesh may have several important impacts on the Asianan and Bay of Bangladesh: it may cause the country with the most dense population in the world and the highest unemployment rate of young people to collapse;Entrying; the labor -intensive industry that made Bangladesh's stable development was destroyed, and exacerbated the chaos of India's fragile northeast region, hindering the trade exchanges and regional governance of several inland states in India and its northeast.

Failure industrialization transformation

nearly 180 million Bangladesh's population density is three times that of India. The economy is mainly agricultural and minority low value -added textiles and ship demolition industries, which are extremely competitive in the competition in limited social resources.This is not just a country in Bangladesh, such as India, Pakistan, Egypt, Nigeria and other countries, basically the same.The population explosion, the surge in unemployment, the cross -leaving manufacturing industry, and the high cost of living, which leads to the continuous rising of the people at the bottom of the people at the bottom.Ri riots and changes.

The core reasons are: the failure of agricultural countries to industrialization failed.

Only industrialization can carry a large number of people with a large amount of or even excessive population. A production line covering dozens of square meters can support hundreds or even thousands of people.However, for agricultural countries, a large number of population is basically a pure burden. The grain planted in one acre is not even enough to eat.

In the Bay of Bangladesh: Nature's Fragrance and Immigration's Wealth (Indian Surl Amris, Translated by Yao Jianing, Translated by Zhu Ming), the author wrote: "Millions of crossingBangladesh's men and women created their own history, but they were not what they wanted.Every small decision on the historical stage of modern Asian history changed the world in the way they could not see.

This is the significance of industrialization in backward countries, and it is also the moral and political responsibility of more people in developed regions to further care and help the people at the bottom of the people at the bottom of the poor.

The author is a researcher at the Fudan Western International Financial Research Institute in Chengdu