The election of the United States is state rights, and all states of the Democratic Party basically advocate illegal immigrants to vote.On July 10, the House of Representatives voted to protect the US voters 'qualification bill, requiring states to participate in federal elections for individuals with citizenship certificates, and required states to ensure that non -citizen citizens are not on voters' registers, and they will be registered for non -citizens as voters election officials.The maximum five -year imprisonment punishment.Biden did not hesitate to veto the bill.

The Democratic Party was successfully replaced in the US Democratic Party, and replaced President Bayeng as the President of the Democratic Party in 2024. The media polls proved that Harris is far more popular and strong than Trump, the Democratic Party is the mostOne of the important gold owners, Evermore Global Advisors, co -founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of LLC, David E. Marcus, issued a statement on July 30, and announced that it will not be on the X platform.It supports the Democratic Party, instead supports Trump to popularize the Republican Party, and explains several reasons for changing his position in detail.Those who are familiar with the two parties raised the campaign funds this year. Of course, they understand that Marcus moves, and it has a lot of crackdown on the Democratic Party with the previous Silicon Valley elites.

Campaign funding is indeed an important lifeblood for the US election.As a presidential candidate, you must not only be able to hire a large number of candidate workers in the states, especially the battlefield states, but also pay huge publicity expenses, as well as dozens of mass conference expenses across the East and West.The amount of funds usually determines whether the candidate can persist. Many people have forgotten that when the 2020 election was for the 2020 election, Harris became the first person to withdraw from the party because of the low support rate and the campaign funds will be exhausted.

Democratic Party supports Harris to focus on fundraising process

This time the Democratic Party replaced Biden with Harris, not as good as she was rendered by the American left media, but she had to consider banknote factors: the presidential campaign funding was transferred to her without obstacles.The US presidential campaign fundraising can be divided into three parts. The first part is to donate to the candidate, that is, the supporters donate to the candidate in a small amount of personal names;The committee accepts donations from all walks of life; the third part is mainly the "Super Political Action Commission" (amount of amount) of the "Super Political Action Commission" of large entrepreneurs who will contribute political funds and bet on specific candidates.

After Bynden's withdrawal, if the Democratic Party changed others, there were only two ways to donate $ 96 million before. He was transferred to the party's political action committee or returned to the donor.The transfer to the Political Action Commission means that the new presidential candidate will not be able to use the money, and it will have to re -raise funds.It is difficult for supporters who have donated money to be donated again.Almost all those who are familiar with the politics within the Democratic Party have mentioned that many Democratic members of the Democratic Party are considering this to support Harris.

Trump has been running three times.In 2016, the Democratic Party's Hillary Campaign Committee obtained a personal donation of about 497 million US dollars, which was twice that the Trump Campaign Committee received a personal donation of $ 247 million. In 2020, the Democratic Party raised more than $ 3.2 billion, which wasTrump funds are four times more than $ 12 million.This year is the smallest gap between Trump's campaign funds and the Democratic Party. As of the end of July, according to the report of the two campaign teams, the total cash cash cash cash campaign in Trump reached 327 million US dollars, and the Harris team was 377 million US dollars in cash.The Bittan campaign team is 50 million US dollars.

Why is the Democratic Party funding this year so difficult?There is an important reason that since the outbreak of the Pakistani War in October 2023, the trend of anti -Jewish protests in more than a hundred universities in the United States occurred.As the largest golden main group of Democratic Party, Jewish rich merchants realized that they originally supported the "diversified, equal, tolerance" (DEI) ideology of the Jewish nation in an unfavorable position; according to the narrative of DEI, the Jewish nation became a oppression.So there were more than 20 Jewish capitalists including Bill Akman signed a joint letter to stop donations to Harvard University.Akman has since publicly stated that supporting Trump and the Republican Party has played a demonstration role in the US capital.The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that it had been described and this situation.

Harris's "advantage" interpretation

Analysis of the New York Times, CNN (CNN), and Wall Street Journal, Harris' advantages are three: 1. Body and Indians, blacks, and two major ethnic descent;Prosecutors can speak well.

The first two points are valued by the "new identity politics" in the United States, in fact, it has nothing to do with the ability required by the US President; the third advantage is not reflected in all public speeches in Harris.Since she took the stick of Biden, she always took out a live pages and spoke according to the prompts. For example, when answering the listener's question about what can solve inflation, she explained what was inflation.

Harris has a good career in politics.When she was the prosecutor, California passed the 47th Act, which was not punished by robbery or theft of less than $ 950, and opened the door for California's "zero yuan purchase" and high incidence of crimes.She was unpopular in California, causing her to end in the primary election of the Democratic President in 2020. She was supported by all competitors, and even Chinese Yang Anze was not as good.Later, it was said that the former President Obama strongly advocated that she was "selected" as Vice President by Biden.

After taking office, she was responsible for border management and imported more than 15 million illegal immigrants in the United States, bringing great pressure on finance and public security, but built a huge ticket warehouse for the Democratic Party.Now, the Democratic Party is the owner of illegal immigrants to participate in voting this year, and has been registered as voters in California and New York.Because of the poor political career, on June 26, 2023, the NBC issued a poll, and 49%of registered voters held a negative view of Harris, with a positive rate of 32%.The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) commented that Harris's net negative score is negative 17, which is the lowest score of its vice president in the history of its polls.

In general, Harris was put into a large number of illegal immigrants in addition to the border policy of Biden and the Democratic Government, in addition to the loyal implementation of Bayeng and the Democratic Party government.In a vague state.This is why many heavyweights in the party cannot rest assured to entrust her.But for the transfer of campaign funds, she is indeed a relatively difficult candidate.

BBC is a left media that highly supports the US Democratic Party, but reported on August 2 to use "Kamala Harris Formial Chosen as Democratic Nominee". Choose used here, which means that she was the Democratic Party's elite dot.Instead of being elected by the Democratic voters' normal first voters.The wishes of the 15 million Democrats registered voters were represented by a few elites.

In the statement on July 30, Macus talked about his reasons for his abandonment of the Democratic Party and supported Trump: "Some people claim that President Trump's re -election will paralyze our democracy.One choice -let those who have such power and irresponsible unresponsive to manage our government, plus the poor policy of four years at home and abroad -it may bring greater threats.P>

2024 Elections must pay attention to a few movements

polls have long become a propaganda tool for party elections (the left to overwhelm). After two elections in 2016 and 2020, the reputation of the US polls is seriously damaged.It is necessary to exist.Reuters / Iposo's recent polls show that Harris leads Trump with a weak advantage of 1 percentage point, and media in various countries are widely cited.I have tracked all kinds of polls in the United States for many years. My experience is that this kind of election does not have to pay attention to polls at all.First, the Democratic Party's internal control of the election has another internal information. When Obama endorses Harris, he especially emphasizes this year's election.The Democratic Party is at a disadvantage, which is the situation where the internal civil transfer is displayed.5 percentage points; the third is a few months before the election, and the election will still fluctuate greatly.

Not to mention, what really dominates the election is how the election rules are determined.The elections in the United States are state rights, and all states of the Democratic Party have basically advocated illegal immigration to vote.On July 10, the House of Representatives voted for the protection of the US voters 'qualifications (referred to as the "Rescue Act"), requiring states to participate in federal elections for individuals with citizenship certificates, and required states to ensure that non -citizens were not in voters' registers and registered non -citizens to register non -citizens.The election officials of voters shall be punished for a maximum five -year imprisonment.Biden did not hesitate to veto the bill.Those who have the ability to think about as long as they want to have one question: If the citizen supports the Democratic Party, why does the Democratic Party urgently need a large number of illegal immigration voting?

The experience of voting for more than 100 years in the United States has been pursuing one person, one vote, verification identity, and completing the ticket counting on the same day in 2016 and before. In this open and transparent situation, the defeat party will accept the results.In 2020, the Democratic Party was infinitely extended through a large number of unable to verify the identity, and the election date was infinitely extended, which destroyed the traditional election system.This has a huge destructive effect on the US democratic system, which has led to abnormal domestic contradictions today, and the state is in a state of unprecedented division.

The lifeblood of the US democratic system is actually hung on a voting.If the votes are mixed with water, or the right to elected the US government leaders to non -American citizens, the election is not fair, and the significance of taxpayers to support the government is almost completely lost.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States