At the end of June 2024, major media in the world are very lively, because political leaders of many countries have launched their unique election debates and used video to live broadcast.The most notable of course was the two candidates for the 2024 presidential campaign in the United States in the television debate at the Atlanta CNN headquarters.

At 9 pm on the 27th local time, President Biden and former President Trump launched an unprecedented presidential campaign on -site debate.Because time is much earlier than previous years, because there are no words, notebooks, staff, and audience participation, everyone has a pen, a piece of paper, a glass of water, and a controlled microphone.All conditions of political debate.This arrangement has almost made everyone forget the importance of the content and results of the debate, and also forgot that this arrangement is more for the characteristics of the characteristics of the two, and simply pursue the form of political debate.

Objectively, the more exciting political debate is not in the United States on the 27th, but in Britain, France, and even Iran in the same period.On the evening of the 26th of the day before, British Prime Minister Sonak and Labor Party leader Stammer began the last television debate before the July 4th election; on the evening of the 25th, French Prime Minister Atar and President of the National Alliance BalBangpar, the "New People's Front", also conducted about an one and a half hours of television debate in order to elect the National Parliament on the 30th. At this timeIn the end, four people entered the first round of presidential election on the 28th.These debates are more than the eighty old people in the United States. More tense swords are opposite to tit, and there are also more specific policies proof and anti -rush.Of course, it may be mainly because the protagonist participating in the debate is much younger and smarter.

As a bystander, in the face of such a noisy television political debate, it is really dazzling.Just thinking about how much significance is behind these noise?Is it really worth the attention and thinking of everyone?

The most important significance of political debate should be the collision and contest between different policy concepts.However, if this is the purpose, even if these debates are not different, they are at least lightly described. The introduction of political ideas and policy claims is extremely limited, let alone the clouds and see the direction for the audience.This is because all the concepts and ideas about politics, society, and economy have always been their own opinions in history.People accept it, and no matter how powerful the scholars are, how can there be a few rushing politicians, can they be argued in a short period of time?This is also because all policy claims about the country are some rigorous and meticulous systematic projects. It is necessary to explain detailed and comprehensive explanation and argument in order to make the pros and cons.Any remarks that bid new or new favors are not rational politicians, but they do so in the television debate.

From this point of view, the current political debate is obviously more form than the content, wearing a coat with freedom of speech, but ignores the quality of the content of the speech; performance is more than interpreting, and the defense is competing to vilify others, not the promotion policyProfitting and solving social problems; misleading more than guidance, can argue and sophisticated people get applause and votes. Those who say cautiously and down -to -earth are more ridiculed and abandoned.

The truly meaningful TV debate may invite the most talented and most agile experts and scholars to do it, and they should also give them enough time to allow the views of different genres to be fully and most popular, and then let the audience make the audienceLet's make a decision.Unfortunately, most of the current experts say that most ordinary people can't understand it, and the TV debate that can understand the understanding is just a exaggerated performance of politicians.As a result, voters can only make voting decisions on the basis of no corresponding comprehensive understanding.

The dilemma of reality is that the political field does lack a more efficient democratic display model, and can arrange candidates from different camps in the same time in the same time.Even if the current digital technology is developed and the artificial intelligence is advanced, it cannot solve the desire of people who want to see and understand their voting objects.This may be the reason why television debate and other forms are not only disappeared, but there are more imitations.People are keen on TV political debates, maybe not to see any specific policy propositions and practical arguments, they just want to decide who should trust who should trust through perceptual cognition.After all, most people do not have much time and energy to understand policy details.

Even so, in the face of these political debates, no matter what impact and the final result, responsible voters must be awake and know when they are immersed in it.It should never be the main basis for making decisions, especially this decision, which is related to the future of the country.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator