The summit held in Washington on April 12 in the United States, Japan and the Philippines is undoubtedly a major strategic response to China ’s frequent action in China in recent years.The response from Beijing to the present shows that China has no intention of shrinking, and even at the expense of the situation, and the interception behavior of Philippine ships has not decreased.And in order to hedge the strengthening of the US -Japan Military Alliance and the US enclosure in the United States, China has also frequently moved recently.Although the United States and China seem to have reached a tacit understanding of avoiding military conflicts, the two sides continue to have a relative layout, and the game that does not give up in front of the line, which has increased the probability of wiping guns to get angry.Compared to the Middle East situation that confronts the upgrade, East Asia is also facing severe threats.

The British Financial Times reported that on the evening of April 13th, the Chinese Maritime Police Ship was 35 nautical miles away from the Philippines coast, intercepting a Philippine maritime research ship and an escorted coast guard ship, forcing the Philippine vessels to stay for 8 hours beforePlay on the next morning.This is the actual countermeasures of the Chinese side after the US -Japan -Philippine Summit.France and Guang Chinese website reported that the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines issued a three -point tough statement on the same day, asking the Philippines to remove the old warships that are moored at the Renai Reef; before providing a supply of warships, it is necessary to report it.It will resolutely block the Philippines to transport building materials and fixed facilities and permanent whistles.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China described the United States, Japan and the Philippines that the United States, Japan and the Philippines were aimed at China's wantonly discredited attacks, and resolutely opposed the politics of the national manipulation group.The US State Department announced that Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant Secretary of State of East Asia and Pacific Affairs, has launched a three -day visit to China from April 14 to maintain the open communication channels of the two countries and manage competition responsible.This seems to reflect the two -handed strategy of the United States so far. On the one hand, it has stepped up its strategic plugging against China, and on the other hand, it continues to talk to Beijing to avoid misjudgments and cause the situation to get out of control.But after all, it is still difficult to exclude accidents, especially the non -refund of China and the Philippines in Renai Reef.

A joint statement issued by the US -Japan -Philippine Summit on April 11th, the Chinese Maritime Police and the Maritime Militia were publicly named "dangerous and aggressive behaviors" in the South China Sea and China's sovereign voice "illegal".The statement said that the Three Kingdoms Coast Guard will continue to jointly exercise this year and expressed opposition and serious concerns against the Chinese maritime police in the Renai Reef hindering the free navigation rights of the Philippine ships.The role of Japan's intervention in the South China Sea Games is becoming increasingly significant. After providing 12 sea police ships to the Philippines, Tokyo plans to provide another five.With the status quo of the Chinese and Philippines in Renai Reef, whether the United States and Japan will intervene in serious conflicts in the future, and become a potential detonation point for the South China Sea.

From the sensitive Singapore of the diplomatic body, it can also smell the smell of mountains and rain in the South China Sea.Singapore, which maintains a good cooperative relationship with China, sent Dr. Victoria, Dr. Wei Wen from the Foreign Minister to visit the Philippines from April 15th to 18th to open the scene for the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in New Philippines this year.In addition to the Philippine President President Marco, Vice President and Minister of Education Sarah, and Senate Speaker Zu Bilil, Weiwen also met with foreign ministers Manaro, Philippine national security adviser Arno, and members of the House of Foreign Affairs Committee.It does not rule out Singapore, which relies on foreign trade, and hopes to explore the latest developments in the South China Sea, which occupy one -third of the global maritime trade volume, and prepare for pre -preparation.

In addition to the movement of the front line, all parties participating in the South China Sea Games also fold the bottle in the diplomatic strategy.Faced with the latest layout of the United States and Japan's diplomacy and security in East Asia, Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, visited Pyongyang to meet with North Korea's highest leader Kim Jong -un on April 13, emphasizing the friendship between China and North Korea.China met with the United States on the Korean Peninsula in the 1950s. At this moment, it emphasizes that the friendship between China and North Korea is intriguing.Chinese President Xi Jinping also received an economic and political pressure on the United States and the United States of Germany, which was interviewed in Beijing on April 16th, to hedge the U.S. Union and the European Union.

China ’s strong response to the United States, Japan and the Philippine Summit shows that Beijing has no intention of shrinking.Compared with the sovereign dispute between the Korean Peninsula and the Sino -Japanese Diaoyu Islands and the situation of the Taiwan Strait, the US -China has continued to increase the situation of a security game, which is more likely to have an accident in the South China Sea.Compared with the expansion of military conflicts in Iran and Israel, it has caused high concerns about the international community. The potential danger of the South China Sea cannot be ignored.The Western Pacific is obviously increasingly unrestrained.