Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

The Kuomintang failed to win this time in the Taiwan election, but Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan ran all over Taiwan to assist in election. He also helped the Blue Camp to win six legislators in Taichung to gradually show political energy.In the future, there will be a re -test, but he is popular, and the political market continues to rise.

When the Kuomintang's "Nine -in -One" election in Taiwan in 2018, Hou Youyi, "Bald" South Korean Yu, "Swallow" Lu Xiuyan connected to the north, central and south, and successfully allowed the Kuomintang to win local elections.Various princes.

But with South Korea ’s Yu and Hou Youyi, they lost in the 2020 and 2024 elections. Lu Xiuyan, who was working in China and Taiwan, became the most vocal and powerful blue camp.

A person in the party analyzed that in this election, in this election, in addition to helping Hou Youyi on the platform many times, he also ran through the entire election of Taiwan, showing high popularity and high voice, accumulated a lot of political capital;The candidate of the blue camp legislators in Taichung allowed the Kuomintang, which had only two legislators in Taichung, and won six seats in one fell swoop to laid its role in "Zhongba Tian".

It is expected that after Hou Youyi returns to the feathers and South Korean Yu enters the legislature, Lu Xiuyan has the strength to fight for the "blue camp".

As for another political star Jiang Wanan in the Kuomintang, this time, the auxiliary of Taiwan showed high popularity, and wherever he went, he set off a "Wanan Whirlwind", like Ma Ying -jeou.

However, compared to Lu Xiuyan, who expired from the mayor's term, Jiang Wanan's primary task was still seeking the mayor of Taipei in 2026.According to Zhu Lilun, South Korean Yu, and Hou Youyi in the pre -election, if Jiang Wanan attacked the general election in 2028, it may be a dangerous recruitment.But his future role within the party, as well as every move, has absolutely attracted much attention.