Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Recently, it is reported on the Internet that it cooperates with the Hong Kong HKMA's anti -financial telecommunications fraud work. Banks in Hong Kong will raise the requirements of mainland residents to open accounts in Hong Kong from February.On the 15th, the reporter visited a number of banks, saying that no relevant instructions were received for the time being, and no relevant requirements were improved.

Sources said that starting in February, mainland residents need to provide a personal income tax tax certificate of not less than three years, no less than three years of salary/social security/provident fund records, and the value of expected deposits.Mainland bank deposit certificates.

Reporters visited HSBC, Bank of China (Hong Kong), ICBC Asia, Standard Chartered Bank, etc., were told that they had not received relevant requirements for the time being.For mainland residents who account for ordinary accounts, they only need to provide conventional certificates such as mainland ID cards, visitors' entry labels, and three -month mainland sites issued by the government or banking agency.

At the beginning of last year, with the opening of the Fed's interest rate hike cycle, Hong Kong dollars also followed interest rate hikes. The rise in bank interest rates attracted many mainland residents to open an account in Hong Kong.

Compared with the reduction of interest rates in mainland banks, the “new funds” projects in Hong Kong ’s“ new funds ”projects under the“ new funds ”project at least 3%or more are up to 10%. Although there are many restrictions, it still attracts a large number of mainlanders to come to Hong Kong Hong Kong to come to Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Opening an account for a fixed deposit business.