Real democracy and freedom must have decentralized balance and independent rule of law.While modern civilization recognizes the necessity of power and authority, it is also necessary to efficiently restrict the abuse and corruption of governance power. The law must not succeed in power. Everyone is equal before the law, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption.

The Taiwan election in 2024 has been successfully held, and the democratic light of Taiwan is shining. On the other side of the strait, the affairs of mainland China are always quite "characteristic". In just 40 years of reform and opening up, China will wither from the original poverty.It has become the second largest economy in the world.However, since 1840, China has entered modern and modern, and a modern civilization peak has always been unable to climb. Although it is persistent, it has been repeatedly setbacks.This peak is democracy.

The modern world and civilization have developed to this day, and there are not many people who dare to oppose democratic singing directly.But democracy must not be just a good guise.In other words, democracy is not only to say, but also to do it.For example, the name of "North Korea's Democratic People's Republic" sounds very good, but whether the country and system actually practice democracy is obvious negation, and what it does is exactly the opposite of democracy.

Multi -Party system and diversified politics

From the perspective of practice, testing the authenticity of democracy, whether the people really become the master should have at least three major standards.First of all, whether ordinary people can vote freely and legitimately, choose and choose the main leaders of the country and the country.Each person's direct -voting leader is a major hard indicator of democratic practice and one of the most basic rights in modern civic society.No matter what excuses to find out to deprive ordinary citizens' right to vote election leaders, it belongs to the significant characteristics of non -democratic anti -democracy.

Second, the effective democratic system must be multi -party system and diversified politics, because only by multi -party diversified campaign power can the governing power indeed reflect different political demands and positions, and can also provide voters with highly competitive, which can reflectRepresents political choices with different interests.The former dictator of Iraqi, Saddam, regularly runs elections when rights, but each time he is the only candidate in the votes.It is not an exaggeration to say that this is bold and shamelessly raped election and public opinion.

Third, true democracy and freedom must have decentralization and independent rule of law.While modern civilization recognizes the necessity of power and authority, it is also necessary to efficiently restrict the abuse and corruption of governance power. The law must not succeed in power. Everyone is equal before the law, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption.Why did the peasant uprisings of ancient Chinese in ancient China only change the dynasty and lack the significance of promoting the advancement of history, because it is essentially only replaced the old absolute power with a new absolute power, which is equivalent to inheriting the rotten genes of inheritance rather than weakening and eliminating power.

In the past 183 years, why is democratic freedom to rule the rule of law on the land in China and the fate and difficulties?Although the May 4th New Culture in 1919 moved, the era of "democracy and science" has been clearly issued.Some people say that the Chinese have taken the feet of the autocratic road for more than 2,500 years, and they are not worthy of wearing democracy.I don't know if the "Chinese" called here also includes the people of Taiwan?Many international media reports that Taiwan's democratic election operation and procedure management is now better and more effective than the United States.The democracy in Taiwan lived up to expectations, and won the flag of modern civilization in the 2024 New Year.Who said that Asians and Chinese are not suitable for democracy?

Some people also believe that the Chinese lack religious awe and belief traction. Therefore, when encountering worldly power, money and resources, they often lose their determination and greedy.However, this view that is too dependent on personal qualities does not emphasize the construction of the system, and it will also be biased.The advancement and success of Taiwan's democracy once again proves that such a law is stronger than people. The good system can correct and curb the evils and weaknesses of human nature. The bad system allows good people to fall into a large dye tank.Chinese culture does not lack the fine tradition and model of self -cultivation. The key is to strengthen the system construction of modern democracy and rule of law.

Others believe that modern civilization and democratic rule of law are the products of capitalist society and systems, and Marxism -Leninist socialism is clever than capitalist, so China does not need Western -style democracy.Differentism is high or low, limited by space, no matter what.It is clear that the so -called "Western -style democracy" is just a geographical label fabricated by some people to slander and resist democracy.This kind of concept is misunderstood, such as someone who feels that buying and using Huawei mobile phones is even "patriotic".The so -called Huawei mobile phone, in fact, from product concepts, core technologies, to the main application, it has continued to develop the invention research and manufacturing of the United States and the West. Isn't this true?

What is extreme politics

Of course, the main characteristics of democracy are openness and compatibility, and a country can decide how to learn and practice democracy on its own.In essence, democracy still belongs to a means of achieving the core goal of modern civilization. If there is the same effect as democracy, or even better than democracy, why not?The core goal of modern civilization is to avoid and prevent extreme politics.Extreme politics is the source of all evils. The golden mean, neutralization, and neutrality are the Kangzhuang Avenue of modern civilization and politics. Democracy is exactly the most effective means and system that has created and developed to avoid and prevent extreme politics so far.

What is extreme politics?For example, the feudal imperial system of China for more than 2,000 years, from Qin Shihuang to the Empress Dowager Cixi, basically belongs to extreme politics, namely closed, autocracy, oppressive, and dictatorship.As for the encountering an enlightened monarch at some time, the people of politics and the fun are all abolished, and it depends on luck.What does "enlightened" mean?That is, open, wise, and not extreme paranoia.This is almost impossible to find in Chinese history, because Chinese politics has always lacked a powerful institutional guarantee to achieve enlightened politics, and people's governance is completely unreliable.

Democracy is difficult in China, and there is a major reason that the concept and concept of Chinese culture have been lacking in modernization.For a long time, Chinese society has often struggled with "absolute power control" and "no government chaos".The former tries to lead everything, and the latter wants to be unprecedented. This is the two realm of "recruiting security" or "forcing Liangshan" described in the classical novel Water Margin.This has obvious differences and gaps with the major charter movement that occurred in the 13th century in the same period.At that time, the British had understood the political goals of rationality, not to eliminate and monopolize power, but to pursue restrictions and share power, so they needed to abide by contractualization and formulate the major charters.In this way, it can effectively avoid and prevent extreme politics and authoritarian dictatorship. This is the beginning of democratic politics.

Finally want to mention a anecdote.In 2011, China ’s Chongqing was the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the mainland and the director of the Public Security.At that time, He Weifang, a legal scholar at Peking University, bravely sent an open letter to the Chongqing Public Security Director, calling on him to abide by law and judicial procedures and be unspecified.He Weifang deeply pointed out in an open letter: The authority and procedures for protecting the law are not only to protect the rights and dignity of ordinary citizens, but also to protect the rights and dignity of the person in power.Without independent justice, none of them are safe.At that time, the experience of Liu Shaoqi, Peng Dehuai and others was the lesson of the front car.

The final ending was unfortunately said by Professor He: Just two years later, the former secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Public Security Director who had "sang red and black" as a criminal defendant was prosecuted and tried by criminal prosecution.Seeing both in court calling on their right to defense can be respected, it is really ironic sorrow.Anyone who destroys the rules of democracy and the rule of law will eventually be swallowed by the consequences created.

<<> The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consulting in the United States