The dream and spirit of the Chinese are the sea of stars. In the future, it will not be limited to the Earth Village, but to open up the vast universe.Therefore, except for Taiwan, other disputes with territorial territories in neighboring countries are not worried.

2024 is the year of the global election.For example, most of the outside world prediction, Lai Qingde was successfully elected as the president; the legislature was only half; the Kuomintang seat was the most, and South Korea ’s Yu was expected to be the Legislative Dean.Lai Qingde did not dare to touch the Sino -American Red Line, and did not have to worry about the situation of the Taiwan Strait's situation out of control.

Every time in Taiwan, the mainland is very concerned.Why do Chinese people obsessed with Taiwan?To answer this question, you must first sort out modern history.

Past: Unbearable Looking back

A "Central Empire", which was once strong and brilliant, was lagging behind in modern times and was tragically stunned. Under the barrel of the muzzle, he was forced to sign dozens of unequal treaties with the Western Qiangqiang.Among them, China and the British signed the Nanjing Treaty to cut Hong Kong to the United Kingdom in 1842. In 1895, the Maguan Treaty was signed in China and Japan to cut Taiwan and Penghu Islands to Japan.

The Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs, and it is also the continuation of World War II, civil war, cold war, and Korean war.According to the Cairo Declaration of China, the United States, and Britain in 1943, Taiwan and Penghu Islands returned to China after surrender in Japan.If it wasn't for the Kuomintang regime to fled to Taiwan in the civil war, if it was not for the Korean War that the U.S. Seventh Fleet entered the Taiwan Strait, China would have achieved unification.

Territory not only has the value of survival, but also emotional value, maintaining the dignity, belonging, and safety of the people.The return of Taiwan and the unification of the motherland have become a strong collective obsession for the Chinese people. It is because they can completely wash the history of blood and tears and humiliation of the Chinese nation from 1840 to 1945, and become an important symbol of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation, so it must be unified and inevitable.

No matter which party is in power and who is the supreme leader, it will not violate the mainstream public opinion of 1.4 billion Chinese people, nor does it have any compromise rooms.Unless China returns to the weak era of the late Qing Dynasty.Each General Secretary of the Mainland Government made a political report at the party congress, and the Chinese Prime Minister made a government work report at the National People's Congress Meeting. Usually, the applause of the Taiwan -related discussion was the longest and hotter.

Status: Division of division

Since 1949, cross -strait governance has not affiliated, which is an objective fact.During the administration of "Two Chiang Kai -shek" (Chiang Kai -shek, Jiang Jingguo), the Communist Party of China acknowledged that one of China and acknowledged that they were Chinese and did not recognize sovereignty division.Bandit ", who is orthodox and who is in the center.

During the administration of Lee Teng -hui, Taiwan ’s independent forces sat in a large.Chen Shui -bian has been in power for eight years, and has begun to implement cultural Taiwan independence, political Taiwan independence, and gradual Taiwan independence. However, when promoting legal Taiwan independence, he touched the red line of the United States and was characterized by the Bush administration as a "troublesome manufacturer".

Ma Ying -jeou is a dark blue, which is the "gentleman" of Chinese Confucian culture. The cross -strait policy established in the eight -year governing is the famous "three nos" (that is, uniform, unique, not martial arts), which is understandable.So far, the interests of Taiwan and the interests of the United States are the most in line with the interests of the mainland at this stage and reality.However, he had a big mistake and did not strongly correct the "cultural Taiwan independence" of his former Chen Shui -bian.The textbooks of "de -China" did not call for timely chaos, anyway, and did not accept that the localization youth that was Chinese was increasing and became mainstream. Therefore, when the DPP was in power again, Tsai Ing -wen confidently claimed that Taiwanese youths were "natural".

The United Nations Charter not only maintains national self -determination (Article 1), but also maintains the integrity or political independence of national territory (Article 2).Internal self -determination tendencies and external countries intervention.Any country's central government not only does not tolerate the infringement of sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also resolutely fight against it according to law, but the world is not absolutely fair, and the fate is different.

In 1999, Kosovo's independence and war broke out. Due to Western intervention, the South League was far from competing. Today, Serbia has basically lost Kosovo's right to govern, and sovereignty is also at stake.In 2017, Gataionia Autonomous Region organized independent referendum and unilaterally announced independence, and then the Spanish central government adopted a series of measures such as Catalonia's leaders such as lift the chairman of the autonomous region, the dissolution of the autonomous region parliament, the rebellion and other measures, and the recovery of the autonomous power.Strict blow.

The Democratic Progressive Party is gradually promoting "Taiwan's independence" by cutting sausages. The United States is gradually promoting the official relationship between the United States and Taiwan in the way of cut sausage. Now the mainland has begun to respond to toughly and is gradually promoting the unity of the motherland by cutting sausages.The difference is that the United States, the European Union, and its member states do not recognize Catalonia's independence, but based on their own interests and ideology, they have made their independence on Kosovo's independence and have been ambiguous for "Taiwan independence".

Of course, due to the growth of China's strength, you can retaliate on revenge. Most Western countries have developed low -key on the countertop and semi -official exchanges with Taiwan, or official exchanges.Only the strength of the United States dares to openly armed Taiwan. In recent years, there are no less than 10 billion US dollars imported US weapons, which is equivalent to paying protection fees.Other countries have dare not easily sell Taiwan military for sale, which has attracted a hard revenge in China.

Future: Star Sea

For the Chinese, adhere to a Chinese natural righteousness, eager to unify China, and eager to unify peace.After all, it is the brothers of compatriots, and the first, peace is expensive.

The timing of the Taiwan issue is not mature now. Everyone is uncomfortable to eat raw rice and it is easy to digest.One of the main constraints is that the people of Taiwan have low recognition of the Chinese, a Chinese, and mainland governments.The polls released by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on September 1, 2023 showed that 48.9%of the Taiwanese tended to independence in Taiwan, 26.9%maintained the status quo, 11.8%of the unified cross -strait unity, and 12.3%of them did not express their positions.The values that adults have formed have no solution in the short term, and heart disease can only be cited slowly.

The second main constitutional factors are the comparison of China and the United States.At present, the comprehensive national strength of the United States is still significantly stronger than China, and many allies have more obvious advantages.The author's opinion is that the second half of this century is the right time to be peaceful and unified in China. One of the quantitative indicators is that China's GDP exceeds 20%of the United States.

The third main constraints are that China's institutional construction is far away, and it is not attractive.It takes at least two or three decades to work hard to achieve the transition from the mainland government from the Revolutionary Party to the ruling party and the modern Chinese -style modernization.The two important indicators are on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.The lessons and lessons of experience include major mistakes committed by the people and party members. The national level establishes the truth and reconciliation committee to show psychological maturity and self -confidence.The modernization decision made by promoting the national governance system and governance capabilities made by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Mainland Government can only be called version 1.0, which is still rough, and some reforms have not yet touched the relevant reform practice of Vietnam.

China also controversy with many neighboring countries with territorial territories.In June 2022, after the President of the Philippine President of the Philippines, the contradictions of both sides rose and small disputes continued.In August 2023, China announced the new version of the standard map, attracting dissatisfaction and attention of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Japan and other countries.noWhat is not a big deal is that as long as there is no conflict between force, although the disputed country will continue to draw controversial land into their own national line, the practices of other countries will continue to propose diplomatic protests.Although angry youth continued to scold online.

Change your mind and decide to go out.In addition to Taiwan's must return, other territories of territories may wish to learn from Deng Xiaoping's "temporary shelter" high recruitment on the Diaoyu Islands issue when Deng Xiaoping visited Japan in 1978.The ideal state is to set aside disputes and develop together. The former avoids single sovereignty, and the latter defaults to joint governance. The second to retreat can also declare sovereignty and maintain the status quo. The former does not recognize sovereignty.

Controlled nuclear fusion is expected to obtain revolutionary technological breakthroughs in 50 years, and to achieve civilian popularization breakthroughs at the end of the 21st century, completely solve human energy problems, and thus completely solve human food problems. There will be no rarity of oil, natural gas, fishery and other resources.In the 22nd century, humans will go out of the solar system. The UN General Assembly and Security Council are expected to pass the resolution to prohibit any war on the human star earth.The universe has infinite resources.

The dream and spirit of the Chinese are the sea of stars. In the future, it will not be limited to the Earth Village, but to open up the vast universe.Therefore, in addition to Taiwan, other disputes with other territorial territorial territories are not worried. The two sides declare sovereignty and maintain the status quo. They do not have to hurt and be angry, let alone work hard.

(the author is a Chinese current affairs commentator)