In speeding up digitalization, strengthening network security, and enhancing Chinese people's confidence in data applications, entering the smart country with faster and stable pace, it has killed the "Easy Tongka transition".There is a slight confidence in digital implementation.Why do each of the implementation of each digital related system have the same unbearable load, slow failure, or even system failure?The recent happening in memory is actually in the presidential election.

Fortunately, the people are all high -end and forgotten, and they are unsatisfactory, especially the unique service that has no choice. After a few complaints, as long as the relevant parties respond to it, if they are accustomed to nature, they will use the habit to make naturalEverything to endure.Then wait until the next similar event occurs, and then repeat the whole process.Is this the norm for digitalization of large systems?

In addition to learning from history, humans can also say that time, space, and people are different, so the problems that occur each time are different.Even if every incident is not the same, did you just have a vigilant effect that just happened?After each major explanation, it is nothing more than outsourcing to different suppliers. Therefore, it is only a "single individual situation" for suppliers.

Why can't big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning not achieve a basic warning role?Perhaps it is because the implementation department of each system is independent, and the responsibilities are clearly divided. Based on what industry, business confidentiality, can not share materials and learning, etc., each time it is considered a "new" experience in a certain department.Make mistakes is inevitable.I hope this is just the author's contempt speculation, not the truth.

Comparison with the maintenance improvement of system -based system -based systems, there are more challenges to implement a national digital system.Facilities digital operating systems, software, and even computer hardware supporting the system should be updated in a timely manner; peripheral software and hardware (such as electric gates) related to the system to be updated, user applications and interface (such as car card) should be updated.Each update can be large or small, and a small error of a system can "move the whole body."If you do n’t handle it well, you have to toss users every time, and it is difficult for the public to have confidence in digitalization and new technology.

As long as you observe it carefully, when you are launched, the Chinese will have two extreme reactions.The first is "afraid of losing the group", and they will rush to respond and taste the new as soon as possible.The second is the "delaying group", and they will be dragged until the last moment.These two extreme system loads and system delay reactions are almost "common sense", and it can be predicted without any artificial intelligence.Is this a problem that new technology can predict, but it cannot be solved?Traditional methods such as trial process, segmented batch, and small -scale trials can be performed.Of course, this may not be able to quickly reach key performance indicators (KPI).

Once humans settled down, they have the habit of not wanting to change.Unless the new system can bring more convenience and benefits, the most important thing is not increasing the cost, so this may also accept the inconvenience brought by the new system.For the upgrade of the Yitong card this time, the card reader cannot actually show that the car information deducted from each train must be changed to a mobile application, or the ticket sales of the subway station and the bus conversion station must be changed.Check the machine.Such a simple display, the processing of the back -end system data such as the back -end system will slow down the switch of the gate.Isn't this mean that new technology is not as reliable as old technology?

What 6G wireless, 5G communication, cloud technology, edge calculation, etc., cannot provide the most basic service?Furthermore, push everything to the application, will not even cause the single dependence of the system?Is digitalization and modernization pushing everything to mobile phones?What applications, replacement, security issues, etc., users "take care of themselves"?Not to mention the costs and inconvenience caused by passengers, is the "Yitong Card" update operation this time mainly based on the interests, convenience and acceptance of passengers?

Cashless payment is still a chaos. Various payment cards, credit cards, electronic wallets, payment applications, membership cards, discount cards, etc., are diverse, all kinds of hidden rules, commercial interests and specifications involved behind, not to mention, not to mention, not evenWe can understand what the grass people can understand.

Simply and rudely set the next standard goal. For example, if each Chinese only needs to "one card and one mobile phone", it can be unobstructed, so that it can become a wise country?

Card is a common front end of all applications, and it only displays the information of each transaction.Behind the card is to automatically connect to the user's own various members and discounts through the mobile phone.All the systems are developing in this direction. This is to make users convenient. Various complex applications in the back end of the mobile phone will allow developers to hurt their brains. It is clear that the norms are also easier to achieve the purpose of digitalization of smart countries.

At present, very few "parking applications" received by most users have eliminated the anxiety of buying parking solids, updating solid books, tearing, tearing, and parking time parking.Of course, its premise is that there is no problem with mobile phones and wireless networks, otherwise there will be no other ways to stop.It is a pity that such a system can not be used in the parking lots of housing parking lots and various commercial facilities and buildings. In some places, it is necessary to take out the car card to insert the card reader to pass the level;These parking lots are used.

It seems that we need to move towards a wise country, and to launch a digital system for benefiting the people and the people. It is really necessary to add more wisdom.

The author is an electronic engineer