The so -called practical and personal experience, the life space is probably the irreplaceable way to be closest to celebrities?The imagination created by text, and even the feelings shot by the video, are always separated by one.The real space of the former residence can give us the ability to press the time and time to stop the keys, and even the powerful aura that gathers in the space.

For a month, I visited Japan and North America in the past month. Taking advantage of the gaps of visiting and research inspections, many local celebrities' former residences and historical monuments were visited, and their physical and mental monuments were greatly shocked and inspired.In addition to deliberately pressing the picture, following the mobile phone navigation to find the former residence of celebrities, they often inadvertently caught some local monuments and brands on the road.And story.

In the deep winter in the deep winter, strange foreign countries suddenly have temperature.

and simply take a few examples.In Tokyo's mansion of Japan's "National Writers" Natsume Shuta (from 1867 to 1916), there was also a cat -themed cafe with a cat with a masterpiece.A teaman "Qian Lixiu (1522 to 1591) 's Mansion site also retained the well that he used to make tea.As for Boston and New York in the United States, more celebrities we are familiar with the former residence we are familiar with is retained.For example, the former residence of the American Faculty of Franklin (1706 to 1790), born in Boston,; many former residences of New York have President Roosevelt (1882 to 1945); the head of the movie star Catherine Hepburn (1907The former residence of the year was), the street was even named after her; the farm of the writer Mark Tuwen (1835 to 1910), etc., is endless.The virtual sign on Google Maps is more specific or even three -dimensional in a certain corner of the earth.

In addition to Japan and the United States, there are countless celebrities from all over the world, and in recent years, it has become more valued by the local government and the public.They may become celebrities memorials and museums, or cooperate with commercial institutions to develop celebrity cultural space (such as the aforementioned theme cafes or art centers), which has become an important landmark and cultural business card that attracts foreign tourists and investigators.

What is the former residence of celebrities?Of course, it turned out to be a private, living and social gathering with partners (and even sowing the concept of the country); it is a specific time on the historic long river, that is, celebrities once lived here to live here.During that time.As for how celebrities define, who is well -known, and which former residences are worth retaining -this is of course a controversial point of insight. However, many relevant organizations and scholars abroad have also proposed the standards worthy of our reference -for example, in 2012, famousWriter Shu Yi called on the Beijing Municipal Government to propose possible standards when protecting and opening up 800 celebrities in Beijing.The important thing should not be just concerned about the argument that will be triggered by the dispute points, but also to recognize the profound meaningful historical events and memories condensed in this specific space -time space.Various media propaganda, shaping the recognition of the people, and even the important time and space of the sense of belonging and pride.

However, the former residence of celebrities, like all residences, is fragile and short, and even must face the brutal reality of the housing market -dismantling is old, and reconstruction is appreciated.You may say that before that space is demolished, it can also be recorded or disseminated with text, images. Isn't this more convenient and fast in the digital age?However, all friends who have visited the former residence will probably have a deep understanding, knowing that in the space that seems to be in magic, you are so close to the celebrity, you touch the walls, floors, and curtains full of stamps.

In addition to the ancient feelings of ancient times, you can also learn from indoor and outdoor design, home furnishings, daily utensils, four treasures of the study, letter manuscripts, pendants and collections, and even the marks and wear on walls, flooring, windows, and furniture.The taste and habit of celebrities even entered its soul and inner world (the word "early" engraved with self -blame at the desk of Lu Xun was deeply moved to me).Because of the stimulus of specific space, your emotions will deepen, understanding will be improved, feelings, reflection, and thoughts are not a virtual website, graphic text, or video and documentaries that can be triggered.The so -called practical and personal experience, the space of the home is probably the irreplaceable method of the closest to celebrities, right?The imagination created by text, and even the feelings shot by the video, are always separated by one.The real space of the former residence can give us the ability to press the time and time to stop the keys, and even the powerful aura that gathers in the space.

Many people can't say a local famous person's residence

There are many relevant web pages related to historical residences on the Internet to identify and introduce important historical monuments around the world.When I have a meeting or travel in various places in recent years, I must first browse similar web pages to do some homework.As a result, I browsed the introduction of the former residences of Europe, the United States, Central and Taiwan, and even Malaysia, that is, it is too difficult to find the former residence of the celebrities in Singapore.Yes, I tried to ask a lot of friends and students. As a result, many people in the former residence of local celebrities could not be said. At most, Mr. Sun Yat -sen went to Nanyang's base "Wanqing Garden" for the revolution, and the house of Chen Xunian on the Wushang Road.None of the 75 retained national monuments in Singapore are the former residences of artists or literati.

Of course, Singapore's projectile island is like gold, whether it is housing policy, land measures, city capacity planning, or protection of historic sites, etc., more in line with political history or educational religious factors, cooperate with urban and economic development places.Looking forward, positive and practical, full of realistic considerations.Of course, the former residence is real estate, that is, wealth, which will involve thousands of relationships with the inheritance interests of future generations and financial conflicts.In addition, as a young country, we seem to be less accustomed to reviewing the action of looking back and looking back.However, when we rush forward, when we have no time to invest in the past, history and memory slipped away from our realistic fingers.

In recent years, in order to retain and share local cultural resources, I have shot a series of videos and documentaries about Singaporean artists and humanities exhibitions. Social media names are the same as its characteristics -very South Ocean.The original intention of our production was to try to get an interview with the artist or their later generations at the scene of the former residence, studio or gallery. We hope that in the most authentic atmosphere, we will restore the scenes created by the artist's creation, or simulate the old environment and atmosphere.

However, after the shooting process of the past five years, we even saw several former residences disappearing after shooting -either selling or turning hands, or overall renovation or flattening.This includes Chen Wenxi, one of Singapore's "Four Heavenly Kings" painter, Chen Wenxi's former residence of Wuji Zhima.The apes and peacocks, peacocks and ducks, red -haired red trees, wild squirrels, etc., once entered its Chinese ink painting and oil paintings so wonderfully, and even the exciting abstract paintings occupying two large walls.

In 2019, after the last review of the former residence office, he changed hands and demolished and rebuilt.The former residence of another Tianwang painter Mr. Liu Kang, and the gallery of Chen Chengmei, who mainly shows Singapore's avant -garde female artist Chen Chengmei, has also been renovated as a whole.This does not include countless celebrities and old houses who have long been easy to hand or have been forgotten or overwhelmed by future generations, and may even be too late to shoot: I can think of Zhang Liying Shi, the two group house units and famous painters who live in the new famous writer Yu Dafu.The Quniping residence, the sculptor Huang Rongting Rujiefang's former residence, Xu Beihongjiang Xiantang.

Not long ago, I participated in a Taiwan online international education seminar and shared the cultural and educational resources participating in the production of production, and mentioned the scarcity of the former residence culture of Singapore.The participants were surprised, and the feedback said thatLiving in the world has risen around the world, and people from all over the world have invested unprecedented resources, enthusiasm and time to protect their former residences. Taiwan has Hu Shi, Qian Mu, Zhang Daqian, Lin Yutang and other former residence memorial halls.It is difficult for them to imagine such a wealthy place in Singapore, and the former residence is difficult to stand.

The value of the former residence is only real estate price?

Although our national conditions are special and the territory is indeed limited, is the value of the real estate that is really wealthy to the former residence?If we are a country that only knows the price of a house rather than value, it is meaningless to discuss the culture and reservation of the former residence.But I believe that we are not, but the attention and action of the preservation and inheritance of cultural heritage in the opposite side are still serious.

Of course, we also have relevant units retained with cultural historical monuments. We even established the Protection of the Book of Protection in 1950 before independence.Ask the private sector and even less, even worry about the worship of heroism, or worry about the selection criteria.The Cultural Relics Bureau has stated that there is no additional attention to the retention of the former residence of the literati.Who dares to plant this hot potato?But why not pay more attention?Isn't it equivalent to all the monuments?

The most widely known is whether the former residence of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of Li Guangyao has not been concluded.Yes, even our most important political celebrities' former residence may not allow our future generations to see and admire. So how do you look forward to the former residences of other founding pioneers, cultural people, artists, and public intellectuals have been retained?This seems to be beyond personal will or will, and enter the category of collective memory and national identity.

Perhaps, instead of waiting for the environment and policy or some administrative personnel, it is better to start with private institutions, grassroots organizations, and even individuals.We see that the former residence of celebrities abroad has been funded by the corporate group, the rescue and fundraising of universities or civil organizations, and even through personal meager power, recorded with temperatures such as videos, photography, and text.Yes, it is impossible to change the large environment, creating any form of small environment, and like -minded friends will even lean over slowly.Starting from you and me, starting with the former residence of humanities we value.I can't help but think that if we can bring the child to Pan Shou's former residence "Overseas Lux", where we see the poems and manuscripts he wrote, the desirable desk, and the mourning of the dead wife on the wall — that isWhat a valuable handed down gift.

Let's start preparing past gifts for the future.

(the author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local culture)